Wow that’s a convenient excuse. But all those women who were impregnated by rape might disagree

Women have been getting waxes as long as I can remember. I’m 60

Really you sexist pig? The old trope of women can’t lead cause they bleed. Make something new up

Tennessee calls it right to work but in reality it is at will. They can fire you for anything here. But if they do you can file for unemployment. Right to work or at will is a crappy system meant to keep labor down and enrich employers.

I didn’t mean what’s wrong with you. I meant maga

Those dumbasses accused an American citizen, who was working, of being a terrorist. He knew where he was from, he was answering their questions, they just decided that he was gonna blow something up and assaulted him. They should have been charged with assault

Instead of building affordable housing and helping people to get on their feet, the country with the most prisoners wants to build yet another prison to punish people who fall onto homelessness. I was homeless for about 6months, with a kid, I lost a job and since I lived paycheck to paycheck things quickly fell apart. I was able to get back on my feet but now they would have put my child with the state and locked me up and made me work for them for slave wages. Please vote in November

He never write the declaration of independence. What is wrong with you people?

You won’t see it on the news cause it never happened

Maybe they can’t come up with support for a man who raped a child

Uh… what’s greedflation? And why don’t they pay their fair share?

There is no such thing as the friend zone. Just a man who pretends to friends with a girl he wants to sleep with. The girl is honest, she tells him she doesn’t want a relationship with him, so he tries to manipulate her. Then when that doesn’t work, cause she doesn’t see him that way, he has a hysterical fit and claims she put him in the friend zone.

There is no such thing as a principled conservative

Look at him smiling like doctors offices are open on Saturday and sick children can still go to daycare. If you can’t realize that your employees are human beings with families and health situations then you shouldn’t be an employer