Red Pill Man

No solution to paternity fraud is for courts to vacate paternity obligations from a man and compensate him for the money he spent on other man's child unknowingly

Red Pill Man

So you are telling me, no man has ever been forced to pay for child that was not his? You are telling me, courts are happy for man to give up child support obligation for child that he was duped into raising

Red Pill Man

menslib has highest overlap with women's subreddit. So ithat means its women who are dictating what should or shouldnt be a mens issue in that subreddit.

If men had active participation, then the first sub would have been oney rather than trollx

Red Pill Man

Those subreddits are predominantly occupied by women.

Menslib is just women pretending to care about mens issues.

Name one feminist group mostly filled by men

Red Pill Man


No its a feminist front that push feminist talking points and devalues mens issues


25.01 trollxchromosomes ** 17.07 **witchesvspatriarchy
15.26 breadtube
14.49 purplepilldebate
13.30 bestof
12.55 ftm
12.23 sapphoandherfriend
11.33 mensrights
11.18 twoxchromosomes
11.08 thegirlsurvivalguide
10.03 menwritingwomen
9.82 mendrawingwomen
9.58 rpghorrorstories
9.46 lostgeneration
9.44 philosophy
9.22 cptsd
8.87 badwomensanatomy

8.58 anime_titties
8.56 askaliberal
8.03 bisexual
7.95 subredditdrama
7.90 pointlesslygendered
7.74 polyamory
7.62 dating
7.59 curatedtumblr
7.53 changemyview
7.25 capitalismvsocialism
7.00 femalefashionadvice 6.90 youtubehaiku
6.89 bigdickproblems
6.75 *askwomenover30 *
6.69 arethestraightsok
6.51 fragilewhiteredditor

Here is the subreddit overlap

Red Pill Man

Everyone has right to abandon their biological kids, just not financially.

Making men unknowingly raise a child who is not his, is FRAUD and deserve jail time for woman

All the money he spent on that kid should be multiplied by 3 and given back to him

Red Pill Man

Dude, paternity fraud should be punished HEAVILY and victim should be compensated HEAVILY

Yes, if dad decided to relinquish paternity then he has no reason to complain about alienation.

BUT if its his kid, then parental alienation should be met with 10 years in prison

Red Pill Man

Alright here what feminists gonna do.

Like texas did, support the law for relinquishing paternity in case of paternity fraud,

Support a law that compensates men three times as much money as he used for raising the kid in case of paternity fraud.

support making parental alienation a criminal offense.

Support making paternity fraud a criminal offense.

Support equal custody laws instead of opposing them.

Red Pill Man

Do you know that in california a law was passed that gave men right to challenge paternity after two years and feminists opposed it so much that governor vetoed it

Red Pill Man

Which divorce laws aren’t fair? Cite them.

Paternity fraud, tender year doctrine, feminists opposition of codifying equal custody into law.

Red Pill Man

Oh yeah, I will delete that. But you also need to factor in, that reservations dont have so much opportunities to progress. african american community has been integrated into cities but still, have high poverty rates

Red Pill Man

He is not wrong,

Feminists support paternity fraud, if thats not a sign of them wanting to subjugate men, I dont know what is.

Red Pill Man

n feminists fight for gender equality it benefits men too

Trickle down theory of feminism

Will there be more cases of women in dv cases?

Feminists actively oppose domestic violence shelter for men

Red Pill Man

Feminists oppose the draft.

But they think its more important to fight against manspreading than against draft.

I dont know any feminists backing Amber heard.


Are you asking civil rights supporters to fight for rights for white people? Or gay rights to fight for rights for straight people?

Did gay rights group actively protested against organizations that fought for the rights of straight people like feminists oppose mens rights?

Red Pill Man

Lets see, make divorce laws fair, because lot of men kill themselves, because their kids are taken away from that. That will be a start.

Then feminists can fight for inclusion of men in domestic violence shelters instead of fighting against it.

Then feminists can fight for free mental health checkup for men(and women) who are going through divorce.

There is an answer but its not an easy answer.

Look up the Juggler method. And start your journey from there. Its gonna take a lot of practice but its doable