She blocked me about 4y ago when I asked if she would encourage her followers to vote in the election. It was so strange because it seemed like it would be an important message for her to support.

She deleted my comment on the flosser post too

I actually thought that post was a joke. How effing random?! But, I think I figured it out. She's working on this cookbook, now says that she wants to be in "all categories from dental care to dog food." She's trying to build a GOOP. She thinks she's Gwyneth. It's crazy. I have so much respect for Emily because she's happy to speak out on issues that are important to her, which I know must not be easy as a Christian woman in the south. But stop trying to be all the things, it's painful to watch! I don't want to buy your shitty single use flossers!

Interesting! That would make a lot of sense. I wondered if they had a falling out over differences politically, maybe?

Emily can be a lot, but I appreciate her willingness to speak out about important issues as a white, Christian woman in the south. Even if indirectly, it's not something a lot of women in her position are willing to do.

Emily Ley + Lara Casey

Any longtime Emily Ley followers remember her bestie Lara Casey (formerly of Southern Weddings and now Cultivate What Matters)?? I've always wondered what happened with their friendship. They don't follow each other on IG.

I shape into a skinny rectangular patty (finger sized)

I had a good one recently at Mas. Gingerbread crust!

omg I had no idea! I thought he was still in rehab or just taking a break from social to recover.

Is she gay? She posted something in stories yesterday about “why would I need a girlfriend?!” And I was like huh?!!! I’ve followed her for awhile, how has she never mentioned this???

How is your treatment going? I’m going to see my doctor this week and hoping I’ll get Rifaxamin to treat what I’m assuming is a return of my methane SIBO.

This is just misinformed - croup isn’t a virus, it’s caused by a virus. So saying it’s “bad” croup season makes no sense.

Hi! Just landed here after searching for SIBO treatments while breastfeeding. I also have methane dominant SIBO. I treated 2y ago and then got pregnant shortly after treatment, so I haven’t retested. But now 6m pp and I suspect that I still have it. Just trying to explore possible treatments while I continue to breastfeed. Your dr was ok to prescribe Rifaximin? I treated with herbal antimocrobials the first round. I guess I thought that there was a different conventional antibiotic used for methane-dominant?

Is there anything you did differently in the search process that got you a better fit? (agency, interview questions, etc)?

She’s so lucky to have a thoughtful host family like you to support her during this decision.

I just reserved a bunch of Nintendo Switch games

My DC friends loved Antiques on High for drinks and dinner at Eat Chapman’s

omg yikes! Ok, no. We’re pretty easy going.

Would you be willing to share? Or cover the highlights here? I don’t know where to begin!

That’s my instinct too. I guess I don’t even know what rules I should be considering. So far I have: absolutely no texting when driving, no smoking, no drugs, no overnight guests. Help keep the house tidy. No shoes in the house.

tips for host family profileAdvice Needed

Hi! Just getting started on our host family profile and I’m curious how detailed we should get here with specifics on house rules and other details that are better to cover early on so we can ensure a good match for everyone. Do I wait until the interview stage or lay it all out in the profile? Thanks!


For a drive, I’d bring it at that age and I did. I drew the line at bringing it on an international flight and don’t regret it because that’s when we realized our baby slept just as soundly in a regular bassinet vs the SNOO.

I think it might actually be the opposite in our case and she’s likely over tired? Still hammering out a real schedule as I head back to work, but realizing that she’s only getting 2, maybe 3 naps per day! We’re prioritizing 2h max awake times today to see if that helps. The problem is late afternoon when she’s up between 3:30-4pm from her last nap and we aim for 7-7:30pm bedtime, so I’m stretching her awake time to 3h. Not ideal. 🥴

Frequent wakings at beginning of night4 - 6 months

My little one is 16w and clearly in the thick of the dreaded 4m sleep regression. We’re not ready to sleep train just yet, but trying to crack these frequent wakings at the beginning of the night especially. She generally puts herself to sleep and then wakes herself every 20-60ish minutes. No real pattern, but I’ll have to go in her room maybe 10 times before I go up to bed.

Details: bedtime is around 7:30pm. Sleeps in a crib in her room, Merlin Magic suit, small lovey and pacifier. I lay her down awake. Whenever she wakes up, I go in to reinsert the pacifier, maybe pat her a few times and then leave. Sometimes I’m going back and repeating that 5x in a row one time after the other, but often that will do the trick and we’ll get a 20-60ish minute stretch of sleep. We tend to get longer stretches overnight - abort 2-3h uninterrupted. I’m trying not to nurse until she’s been down for 6h (pediatrician gave the go ahead).

Thanks in advance! I’m confused since the wakings don’t align with her sleep cycle…

Would you say this practice is quick to prescribe antibiotics when it’s not critical (e.g., ear infection)? We’re moving from out of state this summer and starting to research peds. We’re somewhere in the middle of please give us all the vaccines, but let’s hold off on antibiotics when they’re not necessary!

New Build - Greenwood

Does anyone have experience building with Greenwood Homes in Charlottesville? Getting good vibes, but I can’t find any reviews on their homes.