it's on Prime called LulaRich

Yes! I was screaming at the screen! 😭 OMG you whinging little brat. I stopped watching after EP 1.

oh I know I shed no tears when they got hacked

yeah, few docs were as well done as LulaRich

omg, that part had me shaking my head too.

I didn't expect to be emotionally triggered by this documentary. I felt disgusted not by the cheating but by how cowardly these cheaters were. For the most part they were afraid to talk to their spouse about their sexual needs, or that they were unhappy with the relationship.

Super Helper [8]

Can you cook? Maybe the 2 of you can cook together and she can learn a few things. Or maybe you can let her know the sort of things that you enjoy eating.

OMG, I just googled that, and it's a kids name!

That's a good point, whoever wired the money would need many details to send it, if it is indeed a proper wire and not a ACH one.

That's strange from what I am reading about Wire Transfers. The individual wiring the money must know your name, address, contact number, and account number.

Martin Luther King - I want to feel the way he did, and love the way he did, and have the faith that he did

In the military its like getting mad at the weather. Doesn't do you any good and the only thing that makes progress is persistence. - I like that expression

I loved it, the best show I have seen in a long time. But there is no way I can recommend it because many people would not feel captivated by the details, they would be bored by them or they don't like watching a movie in black and white, the movie is better. etc. The show is not for everyone even if it is a masterpiece.

Really? I liked that movie, it was one that stayed with me

No, I didn't think the disguise was convincing but we know it's Tom so there is that. But yeah, a false nose and/or glasses would have been better.

As far as taking the psychopath's side - you are meant to! It is so interesting to me how the series twists your morals. The details are what does it, you feel (at least I did) that you are Tom and so you want him to get away with everything. Yet, this only happens because you empathize with him. The irony is epic if you think about it.

Yeah, the part at the party when she drank too much and said she was going to write a book about Dicky, and Tom called her out on it. Total hypocrisy there by Tom.

"Maybe it's because you end up rooting for Tim, even though he's evil" - that's how it was for me

I felt like I was Ripley when watching the series, I was transfixed and utterly captivated by all the details.