Great job so you lost about 10 pounds a month that’s phenomenal. What was your eating schedule?

Wow awesome you look good bro how much weight did you lose? And you added some tattoos you look a lot healthier that’s awesome good job what is your work out like in what do you do for fasting?

Hahaah. Good old Maureen Humor! Thank you for your service!!

Funny, I was just thinking about it same thing like where is the cameraman take this video and also I thought the same thing. Also funny how the headlines of these sometimes have no correlation whatsoever it does not compel me to smile more or to desensitize me on something

Wow! Thats pathetic if they hacked the reserve and funny he called out the guy veing an idiot.

Great job. What did you eat? Just curious.

Guy was great! Why so many haters!!!

Straight up..i think she made a great burrito and gotta be the biggest ever.

Jenny and respectable burrito made a great burrito!!!!

Oh kikisosharp or kikisodull?

Can you please describe to me and provide me the DSM code for trauma, and also to a degree a person must qualify as trauma to be diagnosed with PTSD??

I’m just curious your brain is dull and you are a bully! Hahahahahaahahah.

Hahahahaha oh, OK you’re a weirdo stranger you’re gonna tell me how and what your definition of trauma is lollmao!

Sounds like you’re a wacko, and you probably have a lot of issues and bully people Hahaha

You’re whack job why would you even tell someone that they don’t have trauma when they openly discuss it?

You’re the reason why people are becoming less open to discuss issues and you’re the reason why people don’t want to talk about things, but fortunately, I’m confident and I could care nonetheless what your opinion is and clearly you have no friends that’s why you decided to write a long comment about what your definition of trauma was, and whether someone is being held down or restrained as make up was put on their face lol

You’re a major tool bag and you probably live in your basement and I hope you have a wonderful day ! Bully!!


Good for this guy sticking up for disabled deaf son!

Thats the problem with school system and public education. I have a friend who has autistic children and he knows how the system works and he said the reason why they don’t transfer the kids because they lose federal and state dollars and exactly what that guy said.

He had to go into the school and yell at the special education Director and get his kid the services he needed because he is the principal and does the budget for the school

That father is loving and caring, and it bothers me incredibly to see his child be bullied

used to go out with a deaf woman, and went out with her for two years and the amount of people who are prejudicial towards people with disabilities is incredible and very unfair

That school board seems quite useless, and that deaf son should be provided the assistance he needs

Imagine if it was their children and their children will be in bullied and picked on, and not being provided the appropriate services

My girl cousins did this to me when i was like 9 years old! Still mentally scarred from it. I hate them for doing it

Its abuse and they should have been punished for it!

This father was being nice to his daughter and was funny. Thats his choice to bond with his daughter but the kid should not be grabbing his face like that!

That dad loves his daughter and clearly is being so sweet. His facial expressions are so funny.

What did you take for electrolytes