It isn't the height. It is the truck and the height combined. Be 5'5" all day long, dude.

You need to speak with your therapist and medical team. Not the internet.

You haven't once mentioned your calorie intake.

PCOS is typically noted by a 12-15 pound weight gain that can be mitigated by eating in a deficit. You're eating too much. You need to figure out where your calories are coming from.

So I'm just some old white dude who is literally hearing Kendrick for the first time ever right now. I get the owl has to do with Drake, but why?

I don't drink caffeine. There's plenty of diet soda without it.

The only difference is sodium. Diet soda has some.

I give between 500 and 1500 credit on closing costs. And a bottle of champagne. :)

I'd just ask the seller to do it. Tell them it is a condition of the loan. CO detector is always on the seller.

I do both. I set up the auto search, and then I go and look at all the houses on the market. I'm very thorough.

You're fine. 38% with over 6k left is very different than 38% with 2k left.

Don't look at what others are doing. You're fine.

Yes, contact him. Tell him you're terminating the contract, and if he doesn't respond and send you the termination paperwork, go to his broker.

Agent and Loan Originator - San Diego

You need an attorney. Now.

Our house is 1400 sq ft and I don't know what to do with all of it sometimes. :)

Same. I was looking at my first Underworld today, thinking I might throw it back in the bag for fun.

I agree! That was one of several I saw on a cursory glance.

I think you could find a couple of things in your range, but you'll need to be flexible on some points. You could probably get this for 500k.

It all depends on what you consider a "niceish" area as well.

"Aren't great for your health" means not good. It is just fine.

Diet sodas are just fine. What you read means nothing.