reddit keeps reminding me I have 0 original experiences

You're just in time. I have a coworker who changed careers at 40. Another started studying to be a sommelier at 30-something. A guy in my hometown started his first business at 50.

Stop comparing your timeline with other people and do the things you wanna do.

talk about drawing the short end of the stick

How much does your commute cost? How certain are you that you'll get downsized? How soon do you think that'll happen? How much are you spending on commuting 5 days to the office? Would the 10% pay cut + 3 days WFH be more valuable to you than the money you're losing? Any chance of negotiating the PTO?

There are lots of variables without which I can't give you some sane advice, but I'm hoping that you can answer these questions yourself and come up with an informed decision.

Your assessment is correct. It's unusual for a legitimate company to send you an offer without interviewing you.

I think they intend to ultimately fill these roles because advertising them usually costs them a pretty penny, but based on what you're describing, it seems like they're looking for someone with 1 just enough knowledge and 2 ready to accept a lowball offer.

Maybe those who end up hired realize how bad the job is while they're there and quit relatively fast, so they have to keep reposting these roles. Maybe they're keeping the candidate data to build a sales pipeline for someone else.

I'm unfamiliar with the biotech job market, so maybe I'm missing something, but when companies do this, it signals that they have sky-high turnover rates.

Sorry you're going through this and hopefully you can find a decent company soon.

It depends. Food service as in waiter or food service as in cook? If the latter, it might be more stressful and not worth the extra $1.

Don't stress over work mistakes unless they're monumental. I know it's your first job, and it'll take a while to grasp that, but try to integrate it as early as possible.

If you only want to connect and not ask about the next steps, then I don't think it's a negative.

If you were to start reaching out to the hiring manager and ask them about the hiring process, then they'd have a valid reason to take it as a negative.

You can tell the recruiter in the next interview that you were so excited about the possibility of working together that you connected with the whole team... jk... unless..

Congrats on landing a role! One bad job is better than no job at all, but remind yourself to avoid growing roots there.

before you block him and end up fired for some petty reason, why not have a chat with him first?

"thanks for sharing, but I'd prefer to keep the conversation focused on work-related subjects"

"I'd find it easier to keep track of work-related conversations on email, can we move the conversation there?"

That's okay. You can say that you want to withdraw your candidacy because so and so. Recommending someone with similar skills would "neutralize" the blow and shouldn't impact future relations with that company.

"While I love my job as a [title], I realized that during [task] I prefer a hands-on approach. My skills and interests align more with this role because of argument1 and argument2, and I think this would also benefit the company because [reason]."

[reason] could be anything, like I'm more productive when I do X or I'm really efficient

you won't burn any bridges if you decline respectfully (most of the time anyway). if you do find a better offer, let the first company know as soon as you know so they can make arrangements, too. If you have someone to refer, even better

Hi [name],


I want to express my gratitude for your offer and willingness to accommodate my start date. After careful consideration, I decided to pursue a different opportunity that aligns more closely with my professional aspirations.

I'd love to help and recommend a [friend] who could replace me for this role. Once again, I'm grateful for the offer and would love to stay in touch for future opportunities to work together.

IMO, you can always ask. the worst thing that can happen is they say no

How would they take it if you were truthful vs. if you were vague?

If you know they'd be upset/frustrated to know the truth, keep it vague.

I wouldn't worry about the resume gap if you can sustain yourself for a few months without working. That's the last of your problems rn.

However, before I say, "quit and protect your mental health," did you tell anyone about this? Since your friend is the CEO, you have a direct line to bring this up since you said you like the work there but not the culture.

If you don't want to bring it up, that's okay too. Take a few days off if you can to think this through and go over your finances, then quit.

And re: resume gap - everyone has one. How you explain it matters more than the gap itself.

Identify where other similar businesses "hang out" first. For example, most graphic design agencies have a presence on Instagram because it's a highly visual platform that helps them promote their work.

Once you choose one or two platforms, it's time to test and see what content resonates with your audience. Is it text, images, reels? Your engagement rate will tell.

Next up, be social. Engage with other accounts where your business 'fits'. For example, if you're selling pool tools, it'd make sense to follow pool technicians and engage with their content. They get a good engagement and you raise some awareness for your services.

that's called a dry promotion and it kinda sucks. I mean, yes, you have a better title that could help in your next job hunt, but are the extra responsibilities worth it without a salary increase? that's up to you to decide

SaaS, but not for a startup cause they might not have the budget for a lead gen person + SDR to do the prospecting + scheduling for you. I'd look for AE roles in FinTech or companies whose revenue comes mainly from B2B (like Figma)

I genuinely want to know what's the job they're hiring for now

highlight how this affects your productivity so it gets fixed faster.

e.g., can't do that right now, g2g drink some water since it's scorching hot in here