I’ve used AutoDCP with no issues. It’s affordable and fast. It’s sort of an in-between of a DIY and more expensive services. Works solid as long as your master ProRes doesn’t have any issues.

You can buy an extended warranty anytime, you don’t need to decide at the time of purchase. Go into your local Mazda dealer and buy one if you wanted to, it’s very easy.

Take back a used vehicle? Good luck. Maybe your dealer will take pity on you, but probably not especially since there isn’t an actual issue and you’re speculating. Just drive it and enjoy it and take care of it.

If it gives you peace of mind you can always buy an extended warranty.

It’s also TV, everything is cheaper and faster. I’d suggest they could split screen it to comp takes together that keep the continuity but then a producer would probably say it’s not worth it and keep going.

He most definitely did not think of the TV placement in relation to the light switches.

I think you should probably stop working for your sisters, this sounds like a disaster long-term and not healthy for your personal relationships.

Yeah this looks like a good spot for an extension of Movement this weekend, 90s style rave down there.

Was just thinking about coming here to post another "I still can't believe they fucking cancelled this show" - but this will do for now.

Finishing season 3 would've wrapped it up so nicely, WB/HBO sucks.

I'm sure they'll do an EV version at some point as well as offer AWD package. Gotta have a reason to sell future model years, lol

Also something like the new Chevy Trax is really just a car pretending to be an SUV. Might not be a “sedan” - but close enough.


Just your daily Facebook post from a former GOP congressman...


I hear ya. Just saying, when the weather is nice and people get outside and congregate, shit can get out of hand for some reason. Just look at Greektown during the summer.

I do think it would be great to have a designated late night food truck spot, kind of like what Traverse City has with the "The Little Fleet"

Grab lunch and walk around downtown. Go shopping. Go on the Riverwalk. Eat a coney. Get day drunk. Literally anything besides sitting in the court house.

I’m guessing it has something to do with crowd control / groups gathering late. Some sort of avoidance of potential fights, loitering, safety, etc. Just a guess though, I’m not sure.

There’s a ton of references to his own films throughout, this is definitely an element of it.

I’m a video/film editor. Majority of my family and family-friends thinks I’m a photographer, because I’m also decent at taking photos? Maybe an editor is a confusing job to an average midwestern person though, who knows.

As far north away from the city as you're willing to drive.

Can also just head to https://northernlightslounge.com for a good time.