I just DDU'd back to 24.4.1 which has been a really good release for me on my 7900XT

I've been getting letters, court documents, and deliquency notices for a Trust for 7 years now, even after calling the Treasury department and court from which they originate.

the guy who has publicly declared he would like to be a dictator.

Why do I get the sense that if I saw whatever made you type this I'd roll my eyes


It's funny because the doomsday prophecies of 2016 led to a pretty darn good stretch of four years economically and otherwise.

If it weren't for his opposition it would have been peaceful too

Because he was the most moderate and electable. You want to roll the dice on Bernie freaking Sanders or any of these other extreme (by modern American political standards) candidates you can go right ahead, but political strategists largely agreed that a "return to normalcy" moderate candidate had the best chance of defeating Trump, which he did.

The stutters and multi-monitor problems ramped up from 24.5.1 to 24.6.1, finally DDU'd back to 24.4.1 on my 7900XT and all is right with the world again.

Luckily I don't play WoW atm....


Shell shock from when it was almost executable to admit to liking or voting for Trump. There was a time when saying so could get you beat up or at least confronted at work. Happened to a coworker who wore a MAGA hat to the jobsite.

24.5.1 introduced game hiccups and multi-monitor snafus intermittently, 24.6.1 dialed that up to 11.

DDU to 24.4.1 would be my recommendation; it's what I'm doing as we speak.

7900XT by the way so very similar to yours. 24.4.1 was pretty much smooth as butter except for WoW.

Edit: just saw your comment about doing exactly this with no luck. Might just be a hardware failure (wild speculation) but I cannot possibly say with any certainty obviously. 24.4.1 is very kind to my 7900XT

It did when I played it when it came out. I've been playing other things so I'm honestly not sure, their discord should still be up could probably find out


"Biden has a cold, Source says" is one of the posts there.

Overload is a slept-on 6DOF shooter made by the original team of Descent and Descent 2 back in the 90's. For 6 bucks it's well worth it.


Elden Ring is an easy pickup, by the time you're bored with it the dlc will be on sale

Why are there blood stains on it?

I have a 5950x and 7900xt build and it's blown me away. There were some WoW driver issues for a while which finally got fixed, however the driver that fixed it seems to have introduced multi-monitor issues so I may rollback, but pretty much been fine.

Very happy considering I'm getting 4070 Ti Super performance for hundreds less

The green pants are way too dark, I have them, they stick out. The best camo skins are the really bright ones believe it or not they blend better.

Check out Uproar Pants, they work great for desert and forest

My daughter's email will be EmilySuperCool9000 and she'll like it

I had twitch open on my phone overnight with sound all the way down and got all the drops I was after

Try going into bios and enabling overclocking there. Changes to bios will reflect in Adrenaline.

Yeah they've been predicting climate crisis for many many decades now. Granted it was cooling at first and then warming and now just "change", but you're still right

Honestly the av1 has come in nice with some video editing of gameplay I've done, really recommend the 7000 series if you ever plan on doing anything like that