I respect how many people are saying candles.

Not the fact that they're admitting it, but the fact that they've tasted candles to begin with

rock hard, bald eagle screech teats of freedom

Say this is a real woman.

If I was her child, and I saw this, or she let me know this is how she feels about me, someone is dying. Her, me, idk, but someone

Meanwhile my family can see the value in even the shittiest of things.

YES it's falling apart, but there will be SOMEONE who would want this.

I have problems with sleep

As in I can fall asleep in any and all conditions and can and will sleep 12 hours if left unsupervised.

Few weeks ago I got home from work, did a bunch of chore round the house, chilled for a bit, fell asleep at like 11, and slept 14 hours.

Didn't feel great but oh well.

For the past 2 years I've pretty much fallen asleep within five minuted of closing my eyes in order to go to sleep.

My mother however, has insomnia, so it's interesting.

My sense of smell isnt ZERO, but I have very poor smell. I'm personally pretty chill with my lack thereof, BUT my favourite scent is vanilla all the way

I must be Dyslexic Lite because TIL that its purBle place not purPle place 🤦

Oh I forgot all about the little puzzle widget 😭

rock hard, bald eagle screech teats of freedom

Now that is a flair

I've always wanted to do cool fonts like this one my phone but my eyes are a buzzkill and the font is hard to read and irritates me after a while.

Yay for this news though. This gives me hope that Kev's just battling YT demons and not intentionally trying to scrub his channel clean.

rock hard, bald eagle screech teats of freedom

If you get money from it..... then it's a job. You get money from Only Fans, so you technically can't start an Only Fans INSTEAD of a job

You could tell me the first photo is from a professional model photoshoot and I'd believe you.

Also, amazing job on the lavender, it's perfect

Idk I like them all. Sure I groan at some, but I don't hate them, they're just a little old and cheesy

I actually really like Navi

But I will admit on my second play of OoT, I got literally only 5 steps out of the tree house after the opening cutscene, and she Hey! Listen!ed me.

I have baaad second hand embarrassment when reading or watching something. It's actually associated with high empathy!

Which is really weird because I'm not high empathy in the slightest.

As a result, I do hate humiliation comedy

Not to mention having your family suggest names actually gives you the taste of hearing it come out of someone else's mouth. Especially someone who you're going to hear say it ALL the time.

Then you'll quickly figure out if you love it or hate it 😂

Hey OP it's not your fault about the name. Your family is just being RUDE and purposefully going against you. Ultimately you're the parent, and you've named your child. That's final - they can't do anything about it.

I'm 20 years old now and my extended family still gets my name wrong. They just refuse to learn. My mum will make a Facebook post saying "Happy Birthday to Xali!", specifically giving them a clear reminder of the spelling and all the comments will still be "happy birthday xalia" "happy birthday zali!"

I think Olive is a perfectly fine name. What might help is to teach your daughter of some women named Olive in History so if someone tries saying smth about her name being made up, she can point and go "no, look at all these awesome people named Olive!"

I met a 50+ year old woman (in Australia) named Sweetie.

Still think about that one often


Me too 😂 . The bit just posses you and you just gotta go with it

Yeah but it's garlic though. Who tf is gonna willingly shair garlic when they can just inhale it all themselves.