If it happened. I think the majority of what these dildos post only happened in their pea brains.

Trash is trash.

Never understood the guero canelo devotion. I find it very meh.

Kroger and Safeway are union stores. Walmart sucks.

Another TVP family here.

First time I’ve seen one. Thanks to whoever posted about it earlier today.

I think the location they picked for Daiso is odd. Ventana? Is that the target demographic?

This isn’t true. See my longer reply.

Oh god. I went through this last week. No check engine light. Failed for O2 not ready. They told me to do the drive cycle which, in my opinion is incredibly complicated. Get my rpm’s to 5000? I bet my car has never been operated at 5k rpm’s. Anyway, I call the dealer and they told me driving 100 to 200 miles of a combination of city and highway driving plus multiple restarts would do the same. I drove just over 100 miles and went to an auto parts store that offers OBD-II scanning. They confirmed my systems were all green AKA ready. I went back and retested with a pass.

All this because my kid got the leash caught on the gas cap. I bought a new gas cap as I think he forced the old one on because it was shockingly hard to tighten 🙄

That’s dumb. You can carry a million dollars if you’re a risk taker.

He doesn’t have to court coal country. They’re all-in with him for the racism and bigotry.

So that’s not happening any time soon. Example: my credit score is 822. I was quoted 22.9% interest for a used car. No, thanks.

You don’t mention how old you are but no matter, I think taking that leap is very brave. So many people never try anything challenging or scary.

Still using evaporative cooler but with it being 107, it’s struggling. I’ve switched to AC some in the early evening when the house is hottest. Then switch back to AC.

I don’t understand your comment. A pre determination of benefits states what the insurance will cover if completed as stated.

I agree with the pre determination of benefits from the ins co. I recently paid $1000+ more than the estimate for my husband’s dental work (in addition to the $550 they quoted) because they were mistaken in the insurance payment. He needs more work and none will be done without a pre determination.

This is common. I worked at The Limited (ladies’ clothing) in the early 1990s and we always had to have our bags checked.

This is terrible advice. I can’t think of a worse growing up experience than being in a family with two parents who do not want to be married to each other. Also, if you mean watching over adults raise yours kids as in new partners - I assure you the more people who love my children the better. Parents can turn divorce into the most traumatic experience ever or they can be collaborative and still coparent. Sounds like your personal experience has been the latter and for that I’m sorry for any children involved.