For the past few years, when I'm driving, instead of flipping the bird, I just give them a very firm and enthusiastic thumbs up! I think it makes them more mad tho

I watched porn on my work laptop when I was super baked one night. Both silver Lenovos and I did notice

I'm very welcoming to new people in our sport in my city. I go out of my way to make them feel included, give tips but not too many, and am just genuinely excited someone is trying something new. Only downside is I have to refuse people asking to partner for the next season a lot 😅

I try to pick them up with encouragement when I can tell they're frustrated, hunt for their discs with them, and am willing to share the penjamin!

Pokémon, my partner and I are in our 30s and we love it

Not me but my partner. We were at a party with my friends as she was meeting a good number of them for the first time a few years ago. She met one of them and she looked her up and down and said "wow, you have such slender fingers" and looked her up and down again, then just walked away 😂 we make jokes about it to this day but this girl is openly flirty with me a lot so it was a weird ass backhanded compliment haha

My pets, my family, the people who look up to me. The times I experience true bliss make it worth it.

Down dog. $5 a month for awesome yoga, has hiit workouts included as well

I'd check out the Soda from Clash, 7 speed flippy fairway that should give you nice S flights w late stability. I also love the Svea from Kasta for an understable and glidy mid. I throw hyzer flips off the tee with the Svea often to land in the middle, usually only 20 ft shorter than my fairways.

Oh my god this is amazing. He's my favorite pokemon. If you have any leftover plz dm me I will send the monies

Dumb ass rules. We had to wear our lanyards with id, had to tuck your shirt in no matter what you were wearing, and a ton of oddly specific rules on clothing. Also, they weren't OK with us running on chicken day my last 2 years, but we did it anyway

I either read the book I'm currently on or play some pokemon on my switch. Currently it's been pokemon every night because the book series I'm reading gets me too fired up

Oh man. Please don't judge me, I'm a normal guy in a healthy relationship with no mommy issues but this is hella weird. I had one reoccurring dream when I was a kid. I was probably around 7. I would be sitting in the car waiting for mom to get back from the grocery store. Some ninja would come out of nowhere right next to my mom with a samurai sword. He would do a lightning fast strike and every time..cut my mom's nipples clean off. She would be bleeding and fall to her knees then I'd wake up. So fuckin weird

Yes, you are a bad fur parent. These are not freak happenings, this is you lacking responsibility and care for another being.

Please do. You're telling me your cat was clearly injured, not eating, and you decided to just wait it out? Maniac. To not even check about the plants you have in the house if they're poisonous or not either? I feel like it's a choice to be this lazy, like you have the mentality of oh well, we'll see what happens.

My gf will die on this hill. Since she's so convinced I started trying it, and it is better

I've been called a "try hard" my whole life. Ever since I was little, I got 100% and feel anything less is pointless. You're good, keep being good, you're not hurting anyone, cept their feelins.

Before we started dating, we were friends at work getting to know each other. We both knew we liked the other, but neither of us wanted to rush it. Early on, I mentioned when my bday was. I had recently gotten promoted, so I felt like I had to go in on my bday, which I normally don't do. I turn the corner to head to my cubicle, and it's all decorated for my bday. Streamers, a sign she made, hbd balloons, and she got me breakfast, too. It was the sweetest gesture anyone has ever done who was trying to get in my pants, hahaha. But that kindness has never left our relationship. We started dating a couple of years after that (far too late). I plan on proposing by the end of the year.

"Colten if you're reading's too late" 😂

A few years ago I hurt my back pretty badly, couldn't move without pain, breathing hurt for a while. I slowly got better, then was told later after getting an xray that I fractured my lowest vertebrae. After 2 weeks of not moving all I could do was walk slowly, then fast pace walk, then run.

Yea..yta. I sympathize with your situation, but can you imagine what he's going through? If my mom disappeared when I was a kid, then came back around the age I am now, I'd be over the moon, I'd be ecstatic. Jumping to "we're getting a divorce unless you come home right now" was a bit much. Again, I sympathize with you and you hit a breaking point, but you went too far too quickly not considering all of the emotions he is going through. I'd try to get him back.