Quite often when you read about AT, they will mention how anxious people tend to assign extreme meaning to words or actions and act according to this assumption. An example is "oh he didn't text me back for 2 hours, that must mean he is angry. Oh she's very quiet today, maybe she is thinking about breaking up, I'm sure she is".

Well, my friend often does this but it's gotten more extreme lately. She will assign extremely negative meaning to actions of other friends and it feels impossible to redirect her from this. For example (I'll just insert names), Tyler told Rory that he wants to take out our friend for dinner cause he's noticed she's been in a bad mood. Rory told her cause she wanted to show our friend that "look he notices how you feel, that's so nice" but our friend now is angry cause in her head he's talking about her behind her back (?). None of us are understanding her logic.

A lot oft the assumptions seem to be based on her thinking people don't respect her and she can't trust them. This is one example but she seems to misinterpret everything people say or do.

I dont know how to talk to her. Are there any anxious people here who know what helpes to get out of this anxious spiral? She seems very activated and irritable right now but at the same time she's always 100%sure that her interpretation of the events is right