No I think this is her first wedding from some comments I’ve seen made by her friends

Abbreviations kill me when you say them out loud. In a text is fine but that’s my limit. Yes, I’m old

Been together a total of 15 years and while there are days we frustrate each other I can’t look back at a period that I think, “well that just sucked”. Genuinely still the person I enjoy being with the most.

Honestly- what are the good things in your marriage? Because when a pastor says it’s time for it to be over I feel like that’s a wake up call.

Not to be rude but the way you’ve described her I’m not sure what her redeeming qualities are. What do you love about her and how does she make your life better? It’s obvious that you financially improve hers. How do you feel loved, respected and cherished in your marriage? Do you even feel like you deserve these things? Is this a matter of security of being with someone and you’re scared for her wellbeing if you end it or having to start over personally?

For me, any single of those issues by themselves could be recoverable if I felt my partner was truly sorry and was showing action of changing their behavior. The combined impact of them would be too much for me and I would feel like I would never have respect or trust in my marriage again. It’s too many things.

When she promised she wouldn’t lie again was this before or after the hidden credit card??? Because if it was after she has proven her actions do not match her words.

Maybe try a trial separation and see what that does for her. Maybe it scares her enough to wake up and start being a better partner.

Muscle tone loss, dizziness and dryness. Was already on BC & they thought no chance I could be low T bc I have PCOS. Finally had a doctor that would listen and my level was in the single digits. I’ve not had any issues with hair or voice. I’ve had one or two small zits but nothing that didn’t clear up in a day or two. Meanwhile I feel better than I have in a couple years. Muscle definition is back too, nothing crazy but for the way I exercise and eat I should not have been struggling the way I was

Latest HItT run (5/13/24 20 min) is fantastic and one I’ll repeat as a progress benchmark. Also did a recent 45 min walk + run and again pleasantly pleased with her coaching

Wow! Doing the Lord’s work out there knowing how to search for that! That would stress me out to no end

Oh welcome aboard - she’s one of my absolute favorites. Her interval and HITT runs are repeats for me

I too don’t understand the honorary degrees. I was at a medical school graduation on Sat and the speaker has been given numerous honorary post graduate degrees but used none of them in his title besides his own JD/MBA. Frankly the guy was so incredible I wouldn’t blame him if he used them!

I think it’s a little weird if she’s going to start going by that - hopefully it was just a little fun in her Instagram stories post award. That’s one of those things I would use in a group chat with my friends

I’m in construction. I’m constantly running estimates for jobs or doing billings

She consistently puts out great walking content.

A private Catholic school was probably gracious enough in their response. If he had tried this at either Westminster or Tech he would have gotten a harsher crowd response. This just heaps more shame on women who will struggle with infertility and dreamed of being a mom and only further divides women who feel judged for wanting to work or wanting to stay home (& those that want to and their circumstances don’t currently allow them that opportunity). Just gross and inappropriate all around

Same although to be clear I wouldn’t say I had insomnia issues but I feel like I have great quality sleep with this combo without the hangover feeling melatonin gave me

For most of my career I would have said mostly men bc I am in such a male dominated industry. However, I spent 3 years on a team with 2 other women and a male boss that was the dream team. We divided our work up so easily, covered for each other when life needed us outside work. Our boss was super compassionate and always cared about the person before the work. He was rare in our company so he really helped advocate for us.

Hmm I would guess not bc my levels have gone right where my doctor wanted them.

If you have a good relationship with your PCP or a dermatologist ask for a Rx for doxycycline to help with the breakouts. I also know and maybe will order it for you for that purpose.

Trying to be Kathleen Jennings…. And the none of them need to be wearing them out of the house. Nat has nothing but time to mask at home

42 and my absolute favorite person to be with is my husband but we rarely workout together. The main reason being I like to start my day with my workout, he prefers to wrap up his work day with it. During a regular week we do often take a walk together as he’s finished up his weights (he does work out at our house) before or after dinner.

We also have one shared hobby (golf) and then a couple things of our own. I’m an avid tennis player and he doesn’t trust his reconstructed ACL’s to move on a tennis court. We’re both playing pickleball this summer which should be interesting

I’m more likely to work out with a good friend and do partner challenges with them

Matt Wilpers from peloton does a great job talking about this and how his lifting changes when he’s deep in training. He moves to lower weights higher rep more injury prevention kind of lifting and mobility work and then hits the weights hard and dials back the speed work and more structured running once the race is over.

More band work on the lower body vs heavy lifting I’m sure keeps your legs fresher to run. I haven’t really trained for a goal race since I got more into lifting but I would think this would make a lot of sense to format like this and it would make me excited to return to heavy lifting after the race.

Think there was a thread about her a couple weeks ago if you search. Yeah maybe before she was divorced but while separated from her husband she dated Darby’s dad. She is divorced - someone found the court record. She bought Darby’s childhood home (probably when the Fallon’s originally divorced) and hosted Darby’s engagement party there.

Better than any scale number out there! I can tell how proud you are of yourself and that’s awesome. Congrats

Prescription. I’m not sure OTC exists for testosterone

For me adding testosterone is what made the difference in getting rid of the dryness.

Some people complain about water retention as they adjust to it. Started with taking half the serving size and worked up.