Reading that was gross af, i had to give up midway. Get a bidet guys ffs

They need to up their game and fully automate this process, having someone still hand place the cheese and ham was unexpected

Spoken like a true country who have tons of sex crimes against multiple countries before, bravo.

That country failed its people, you guys should be ashamed of yourselves. I mean you all just accepted and just allowed this crap because they got a hospital? Lol goodluck to all of you living there

Pretty normal, do you have insurance? If not you’re fcked.

Like this will do anything related to her arrest or punishment. Typical “we’re doing something” by the police and then just let the people forget about it

What a fat turd, pretty sure she got lucky coz the kid was scared but this fatass would be kissing the ground and wont be able to get up if faced with a normal adult. What in her luggage? Junk food probably lol

Lol a pastor that went straight yeah thats a pedo

The only advantage m+kb has over controller in my opinion is targeting. Thats it, coz you can point and click which is useful especially in pvp. Other than that meh controller is easy

He didnt say theyll stop doing it tho so…

Well i mean you guys are clearly following the US trend of being economically successful but imploding society bit by bit so i guess youre doing good

Why did he ask in the first place knowing its a pig? They are both dumb imo

You actually typed in the answer, they are working from home which pays them money to afford rent. Sheesh

Might as well fight at that point, fk that just get a punch in rather than experiencing that disrespect

Losers, man how does it feel to live like a loser like these clowns? Might as well just die and not waste oxygen. Trashy people

Tf? No one cares for the bus driver. Just catch the suspect and punish them. Thats it

If she wouldve turned it off oohh boy

Coz they dont usually drive, when it rains they have to dust off their car and attempt to know how to drive in the rain coz they dont want to bus