OMG are we siblings?! I travelled with her and my then 2.5 year old and I think the toddler was an easier travel companion in many respects!

SpongePan SquareCakes

Please DFs, I beg you morning sickness (aka all-day nausea) cannot handle this.

Just for clarity- hemming only refers to shortening the length of a clothing item. Any other alterations (like taking in the waist of pants) are not considered hemming.

My cat absolutely knew, probably before I did. Very early on in my pregnancy she built a weird little nest under our bed and would sleep in it- she’d never done that (she would normally sleep at the foot of the bed.) Afterwards, I realized she was probably building a nest for me to have my “kittens!”

As my belly grew, she was obsessed with it. She would knead on my belly, give it kisses, drape herself over it, cuddle up next to me pressed right up against the belly. My son was a busy baby- it was like a 24/7 baby disco in there and he would kick her sometimes. She would just give my stomach an annoyed look and go back to snuggling.

If you have two kids under age 4 (or more) you can apply to get a bigger bag allowance to account for all the diapers. If you’re using disposable diapers and not using your green bin you will definitely be generating more than one bag per week. But even when I was home on parental leave with my kid (peak pandemic, so we rarely went anywhere) I don’t think we ever had more than two bags per week.

Agree, I am an 8 to 10 in pants and UNIQLO pants do not fit me well. I have thick thighs and I find the fabric of many of their pants too thin to look professional and to drape well. Yes you can get pants hemmed for free in store, but taking the waist in is more expensive and extensive tailoring.

SpongePan SquareCakes

My parents’ border collie mix is blowing his coat like crazy right now, my mom says it’s just dog fur tumbleweeds everywhere!

SpongePan SquareCakes

They do! It’s hideously expensive though. I found Liberte Greek yogurt at Costco recently but Siggi’s was next on my list. I would love flavoured, even plain vanilla, but everything is too high in sugar.

I’m not usually militant about carbs but I’m pregnant with another Gloamie baby and since I had gestational diabetes my first pregnancy, I’m trying to cut back on my carb intake and up my protein intake (to the extent that nausea and food aversions allow, anyway.)

SpongePan SquareCakes

Lol, this shows you how often I go to Loblaw’s! They aren’t super common in my area and I don’t think I’ve seen it at any of their discount banners, but I’ll keep my eyes peeled next time.

SpongePan SquareCakes

I am currently finding it quite difficult to find yogurt that has a good ratio of protein to carbs! I’m looking for as low-carb as possible and in Canada we don’t have access to a lot of brands like Chobani that are available in the States. And Greek yogurt is $$$ here, too- but nondairy is even more so!

SpongePan SquareCakes

Where I live fresh cherries are too expensive to not eat fresh!

SAME. I have hereditary dark circles, allergies, and I’m very fair. It all adds up to very dark circles. I got so tired of them that I tried tear trough filler (I have hollows under my eyes that I feel like really accentuate the circles.) It was fine, but not really worth the price and I really hated the sensation of the filler being injected into my skin. I wouldn’t do it again.

My HG concealer right now is Haus Labs. I generally don’t bother with colour corrector bc I’m lazy and work remotely (and I wear glasses) but in the future for family photos or a big event I’d consider trying one!

A few years ago my husband was out for a run (in a city) and witnessed a dad berating and cursing at his 7 or 8 year old. Husband was so horrified that he stopped and told the dad to cut it the fuck out. He wasn’t sure if he’d done the right thing and I told him that if anything, having another adult validate that the dad’s behaviour was out of line was probably a good thing for the kid. I’m glad to hear that it was true for you.

SpongePan SquareCakes

Well, Shauna’s kids aren’t doing any kind of extra curricular activities anymore, because they can’t afford them and Shauna is too lazy to drive them to things.

SpongePan SquareCakes

Hamilton is still not fully recovered and it’s been like 4 months. Printers aren’t working and you have to check out and return everything manually. My son is mad bc the conveyer belt book return is his favourite thing! I’m just happy their Overdrive service is working.

SpongePan SquareCakes

Straight to the naughty step with ye, DF

SpongePan SquareCakes

Honestly. If that’s really how it went down they are straight up on another planet. Who the fuck is hosting their kid’s birthday party on a Tuesday?

SpongePan SquareCakes

Obviously we don't know the circumstances surrounding the adoption, and we're not entitled to them...but like, can you even imagine?

SpongePan SquareCakes

Okay, first of all….why is a 16 year old attending a birthday party for their sibling’s much younger friend? For that matter, why do BOTH parents need to be there?? That’s like the golden age of birthday parties!! Drop the kid off, leave your teenager alone and go live your life for a couple of hours, oh my god.

Secondly…how do you get the date of a party wrong? Did she read the invite? Do they not have a calendar (of course they don’t!) Was D not talking about the party for days? Who has a birthday party on a random weekday afternoon? OBVIOUSLY a Friday makes more sense.

Shauna is so weird and socially stunted.

Also, reading one of the links OP posted....the NZ police JUST publicly revealed that Tom did not have legal custody of the children when they disappeared. His parents had custody. So how is this not out-and-out kidnapping or at least custodial interference? I can't believe the police waited over a year to share that bit of information publicly.

To me that makes it even more obvious that Tom's family knows exactly where they are and are helping him. If the grandparents reported the children as being abducted, the search would have been handled much differently, IMO.

I loved breastfeeding and did it for 20 months and then I was DONE. I needed my body back, I needed to be able to start putting muscle back on, and I was just ready to be done. It was such a gradual weaning process that it was truly NBD for me (hormonally, anyway; emotionally it was hard even though I was ready!) But honestly, I'm six weeks pregnant with my second and the thought of a dude having to power through this level of fatigue and nausea and put on a good face at work (while also parenting an older child) is laughable. They couldn't do it!