So? Why does anyone that posts on here have to have a certain date that they made their account? Why do they have to have followers? Why do they have to agree with you?

And I like how you use the word “we” to create that barrier for anyone you disagree with. Do I agree with your example of someone saying sand monkeys? No. But doesn’t mean you are right and they are wrong. I’ve seen plenty of anti-white comments across all social media in the last 4 years and apparently that’s not a problem. Especially referring to white men. Hell, there are corporations that flat out say they will not hire white males. Is that okay to you? Do you call them out on it? Most likely not

It’s not protected in the United States.

Yeah no. But keep believing your irrational brain

You didn’t have to. Asking for a mod so they can delete comments that aren’t in line with your opinion is very communist. But you don’t know that because you have been brainwashed

Don’t be so naive & pathetic. And quit labeling people you don’t agree with or try to censor them by saying they’re trolls or bots. Tolerance bro. Remember that shit?

Biden has sent $175 FUCKING billion dollars to Ukraine since he became “President.” On May 31st, 2024 he approved NATO weapons to be used by Ukraine against Russia within Russia. I hope you aren’t eligible for the draft.

You can cry all you want about Palestine (aka Hamas), call Trump & his supporters all the names the CIA propagandists told you to say, and believe that Hillary didn’t commit any crimes (please see Trey Gowdy get fucked up the ass & bent over during the Benghazi bullshit, and the Steele Dossier get a mere fine for the same thing Trump did). Just admit that some people in this world are so powerful that they are untouchable. Doesn’t make them innocent.

You need to do some independent, deep-diving into the history of our government. If you are lazy, just go back & start at 9/11 with Bush/Cheney & their “weapons of mass destruction.”

Love how you people call those that disagree with you “bots.” It’s so communist ftw

Please tell me this isn’t your idea of a flex. Where were you during the Summer of Love BLM 2020?

Hate speech is not protected. Wtf

The couch placement is wrong and you need a coffee table. Art/mirror on walls

Yeah because the flu existed before & after “covid”

Face masks don’t prevent transmission. Ask Fauci

OP has missed enough classes to the point that their “wording” is irrelevant

Definitely not coerced. But please, do make yourself the victim instead of holding yourself accountable for your failures or success

You honestly, wholeheartedly believe Biden is better than Trump? And that Hillary with all her corrupt power in our government would have been a better choice?

By what standards? Go back to Mena airport with Hill & Bill and then research all the way up to 2024

Now you’re just making up shit. Covid was installed to get Trump out of office. Look into Fauci and his super awesome /s role with HIV and who his wife is. Look up what Birx had to say about the 6 feet rule. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH

Don’t worry about me. Worry about your needy self