I have it on my OG CR10, you need to flash the firmware but that's relatively easy. Tom from TH3D has it all documented in a video and it's easy to follow!

Any from a reputable manufacturer will do, in my case, I use Kingston Canvas Select Plus microSDXC 32GB Class 10 U1 V10 A1 on all of my printers.

My printer was doing exactly the same, it was the SD card!

Try with a new SD card or format the one you have!

I have the same printer and I decided to remove the control box that was months ago. Now I don't remember what goes where regarding the wires. Do you have any pics that you may want to share please?

Never use delete only use remove. Delete will break your timeline. The remove operation is totally harmless.

I have a Max that I have installed Klipper on it. Marlin is ok but Klipper is by far superior.

I disagree, I hate the way Bambu Lab does business and I dislike proprietary hardware also. I really want to try a Delta and that's what I am going to get! Not dissing tho just my personal opinion.

Buy now or wait?ask-a-question/Need Help

I want to try Delta for first time but does it make sense to buy now? T1 looks really promising should I wait for reviews or just I should go ahead and get one of the previous models instead? I am printing mostly in vase mode and I care about quality not speed!

You can compile it yourself or you can use the pre-compiled .bin file.


Thanks for the effort man, have a good day/night at work!

I've seen this one. What I need is a complete wiring guide not just a photo of what goes where. Thanks for the effort tho.

CR10 Control Box wiring diagram


I am looking for a wiring diagram for the control box of my CR10. Board is an old black melzi. If anyone can help I will highly appreciate it.


I know that there are already compiled .bin files for Marlin 2.1.2 from two different sources on GitHub. Do a Google search for "Marlin 2.1.2 Neptune 3 Pro"

He is not asking you per say, he's asking the people that are actually willing to help. So if you feel offended just move along, the most unnecessary comment that I've seen on Reddit today!

I'm a big fan of your work,man! Kudos

On a side note so you take design requests? I have a design that I really want to do in Fusion but I keep failing. I know that for this kind of Organic shape you need Rhino + Grasshopper but I can't believe it can't be done in Fusion. It will make an awesome video. Respect

In my case it worked flawlessly with both 0.6 and 0.8 profiles.

There is a 0.6 profile for the N4 use that one and just change the speeds.

Half & Half šŸ˜‚

Super cute but it doesn't look real!

Yep there is. But you can sweep then twist. I can design the damn thing I just can't make the thickness uniform.

I am printing in vase mode with a large nozzle. I already tried the tutorial that you posted but I didn't like the result.

I am changing the lamp shades in my house and I make 3d printed ones. This design gives me a heading because I get dark shades on the top of the ribs because I can't make them follow the design so I have thick parts where the ribs are. I believe that those dark spots will disappear if I manage to have a uniform thickness so the light sign through easier. I hope that makes sense English is not my native language.