Cordless nail gun. There’s been so many times I need to Repair something, like a fence picket that my kids knocked off with a soccer ball, a loose baseboard around the house, or anything that a quick “pithff” can fix. Rather than banging on it with a hammer or dragging out the air compressor, the cordless is quick and easy. Air compressor would be a close second

I miss the shuttle program. I’m not saying it was the best or the worst, just miss the classic space shuttle look

Why does everyone cram into the trains in this country when the roads are this empty?

There are so many commercial trucks driving by. It’s like a Richard Scarry book IRL

Congress isn’t in session right now, correct? Maybe when they get back

What are nuclear secrets? How nukes are made? Where they’re housed? Or is it an adjective for really important secrets?

The song Hurricane by Bob Dylan and the movie of the same title is awesome and I’m looking for more stuff like that

I’ve been to three islands and Maui was my favorite. Big island was too big. Oahu was perfect size. Maui was most natural and beauty. I’d pick based on location

That makes sense. I didn’t look at the loan origination date. I was thinking it just started

I would assume It’s the interest taking up the majority of the monthly payment but since property taxes are also in this, it has to outrageously cheap for land where ever this is. Almost half of my monthly payment is property taxes

Found this too. It’s a small thing but I’m unhappy about it. I don’t subscribe to a lot of channels so when there’s a couple new shorts out I like to swipe through them. I understand randomness in the public pages but not on a curated list.

My concern would be it doesn’t wash/rinse the outside of a glass where your lips would touch

Imagine the pearl clutching and outrage if it happened now with social media and everyone can share their “outrage” and “offense”. Back then they made shirts joking about it, everyone had a good laugh, and people went about their day. I miss the 90s

Maslow tends to believe differently