Carlington is def not the edge of downtown. I’m moving out of it next month because it’s a suburban trap with zero walkability

20s were fun. 30s were fantastic. Not interested at stopping at 40.

At that point I’d go for the TT. It looks awesome and you still get a hatchback for when your need to carry something.

The S3 feels way smaller on the inside than a Golf. If you need to carry stuff/adults in the back, stay with a Golf.

Shaitan. It’s the Arabic word for satan. It morphed from Shitten which was short for shitty kitten.

It very much suits him

Cost. My favourite example is the Subaru Impreza versus the Crosstrek. They are mechanically identical and have very similar equipment. The crosstrek is noticeably more expensive.

You’ve obviously never seen the process of firing someone. It’s incredibly long and tedious.

But I’m not doing tourist things. I’ve been trying to get around the city for non-tourist related activities and the transit is terrible, the traffic is terrible and there is garbage everywhere.

Nope. Was trying to go to a bike shop. Impossible to get around with all the traffic and crappy public transit.

Bicycle mechanic. I really really miss working in a bike shop but I don’t miss the poverty.

I’ve taken plenty of little sips from springs to have a taste. But I filter if I’m going to fill my bottle.

What are the “volunteers” going to do? Do the Police, Fire and NHS have that big of a need for occasional unskilled labour? Who is going to supervise them?

It’s only less effective because people were using it incorrectly (forgetting to take doses). If used correctly it’s equally as effective.

Those are maintenance items. I swap my chain every year or two. Cassette every 2-3. Rings usually last a while. Jockey wheels every few years.

Are the shifters just scratched or are they actually broken?

A 5 year old car is going to have some scratches and need maintenance as well.

Make sure to go for a walk in the rain and splash in the puddles like a little kid!

Put on a pair of flip flops/tevas/crocs and some clothes you don’t mind getting wet. Leave the rain gear back and the tent and just revel in playing in the rain. Jump in the puddles, slide around in the mud and just enjoy the pure pleasure of feeling the rain.

Treat yourself to a hot shower, a warm drink and some warm dry clothes when you get back.

I can’t wait to leave. Flight out on Tuesday. Garbage city

The before pics aren’t “nice” but there’s plenty of character. The after is nice but oh so boring.

I’ve had floor tickets for a couple arena shows and they were great. But I’ve also spent a fraction of those prices on smaller club shows that have also been amazing.

I guess what I’m saying is that you can still see great shows for pretty cheap and I think people forget that.

Dude. It was through the dealer. It doesn’t say VW anywhere on the contract. Stop fucking arguing with me.