I am so, so very sorry for your loss. I can’t even imagine, my condolences to you

Are they nuts?!

You are well, WELL within your rights to not apologise! Don’t sit in on any more phone calls, they seem to end in you being mad/upset at MIL’s nosiness (and rightfully so! I would be fuming personally!) and continuing to engage with her after her shitty behaviour just enforces her belief that she’s getting away with it. Refusing to speak to her on the phone will hopefully drive home the message that she is not to be so nosy and nasty if she wants a relationship with you.

Man I’m just glad that your MIL didn’t actually do this on purpose. Thanks for the update

Wishing you luck!

I’m glad you’ve got a support group lined up, I hope they can give you the help/advice/support you need. It cannot be easy what you are going through

Wow, this is such a tricky situation, I’m sorry you’re going through this. You seem pretty certain about waiting three years, do you think you could handle it?

So.... sunscreen after moisturiser? I’ve been doing this wrong clearly!

My MIL does this too - talks about herself incessantly and doesn’t want to hear about us or our lives at all. It’s actually really hurtful because she doesn’t get excited for any of the big milestone events in our lives - she didn’t give a shit about us getting married or buying a house, so if she starts caring when we have kids (read: treating me like an incubator) I’ll lose it.

I’d just distance myself from MIL if it’s getting to you. And allow yourself to grieve the relationship you wanted with her. I’m sorry she’s being so selfish, it’s really sucky to be on the receiving end, especially at such an exciting time in your life!

Congrats on baby btw!

Congratulations! ❤️

We don’t have kids, but this honestly would be so frustrating to me. The blatant favouritism is not okay.

I agree. A few of her songs are good but I wouldn’t play them on repeat, most of them are not my style. I don’t understand the hype.

Exactly! It’s pretty rich that the SILs are now blaming OP, for not pandering to MIL on her own wedding day. Not fair to OP at all. Even if she was being cold, who cares?! MIL should have pulled it together for the sake of not ruining their day.

Holy shit, it’s your WEDDING DAY. You have so much more going on that you shouldn’t have to stop everything to console your attention-seeking MIL! I wouldn’t have cared either, her emotions are not your problem, especially on such a big day. Stick to your guns on this, you’re absolutely not in the wrong.

Oh man. Fuuuuuuuck her!! Cut her out.

I’m so sorry you had to deal with that just six days after giving birth! I can’t even imagine having to go through that. What a cow. You’re better off without uer

Ohhh man. She sounds like a delight.

I wonder how hard life must be for her to hold onto such outdated views.

I used to, for the first three or four years. Then I began realising not only how two-faced my MIL was, but how self centred she really was and how bad of a parent she is to DH. He had a traumatic childhood because of her and frankly, she’s lucky we are still in contact with her.

I’ve come to accept that I’ll never have a real relationship with my in-laws, and that’s okay.

Things will be different this visit, though - you’ll have a newborn and, frankly, a lot more reason for guests to get a hotel. You’ll need your own space as you’ll still be navigating being a new parent. This is a boundary I would hold, hard. Regardless of anyone’s feelings. YOUR feelings need to come first as you’ll be the primary one dealing with baby.

This would drive me batty! Can you “surprise” her with a laundry basket “your friend gave you but you don’t need” or something? If only to save frustration!

Has anyone had sore armpits during the first weeks of pregnancy? Been TTC for a while now, it’s too early to take a pregnancy test but my armpits are so.... achy. Never experienced this with PMS before so I’m wondering if it’s an early pregnancy sign?

I met my husband when I was 20 and he was 21, we got married at ages 26 and 27. We struggled financially in our early 20s, right up until marriage as he did an adult apprenticeship (so, shitty pay and with adult bills that we had to cover). However he’s now on a great wage and we are doing very well for ourselves.

I really feel as though if it’s meant to be, it’ll happen.

I haven’t had to push with anything - however at the beginning of our relationship, I did have to make it clear that I wanted to be married at some point. He initially didn’t, but as our relationship progressed he became more and more interested in the idea of being married. Now, he loves being able to call me his wife and he tells his friends how good marriage is.

All other stages he’s been more keen than I have. I think if you have to push then they’re not interested.

Yep, I’ve been there. I just keep in mind the fact that my company absolutely does not give a shit about my mental health (as much as they might appear to, really all they care about is employee output), so if I don’t protect it, they certainly won’t. You have to be your biggest advocate.

Congratulations!! It’s the best feeling isn’t it?!