• Shave the beard
  • Get a better haircut
  • Get different less out-dated glasses
  • you could switch up your wardrobe if you feel comfortable
  • stop smoking

Grow them out. You look even more pretty without them

You are beautiful!

At your age it's completely normal to be insecure about how you look. Even though I am still insecure and a few years older, I have gotten way better.

What really helped me to feel more confident was finding a style you like. I went on pinterest and pinned all the photos with outfits I liked, so I have an impression of what clothes to buy.

Something that also made a big difference is putting more effort in how I look. 2 years ago I only bought and worn clothes I liked, but I did almost nothing with my hair, jewelery etc. Now I buy clothes that fit me well and fit my style. I curl my hair more often, paint my nails, wear a tiny bit of make-up (mascara, not much more than that haha) and wear jewelery that is more out-there than I would have worn a few years back.

I still have not mastered the mindset in which I don't care what other people think of me. It's getting better tho! I am sure this has improved because I am a few years older, but also just by trying it out

Happy birthday, girl! 🩷🥳

I'm so sorry this is happening to you! Nobody deserves this kind of treatment. Things will get better for sure, I promise.

You look great in both, but the green dress looks stunning on you!

Middle part for sure. It looks great on you

Thank you so much for your advice! It perfectly makes sense haha. I will try those styling tips for sure! :)

I have not looked at it that way. It does make sense! I think I just need to learn how to style it a little better :)

Thank you so much for your comment!

Thank you so much for your advice! I will definitely try that :)

You are gorgeous, not ugly at all! :)

You're pretty, not ugly at all. However, I do think you look older than 19. This is not a bad thing! I would suggest to visit the hairdressers sometime. I think getting your split ends cut and some other changes would look great! Maybe somme curtain bang, subtle layers (not to much, your hair looks thin so you don't want to thin your hair even more). I am not sure if you should try a different color and if so which color, I'm not that great at that stuff.

Your skin looks a bit dull and you have deep lines around your mouth. Not sure if you could and would change anything about that. Maybe pay a visit to your doctor and look into some make up tutorials in youtube!

I think you're cute! Hopefully you will feel that way yourself soon :)

You look great! Smile some more tho, that makes you look even better

I had a bob when I was like 6 and later at like 12 and it looked absolutely awful hahaha, but i think with the right cut (not at my chin) it could look cute!

That such a nice compliment, thank you! I have never looked at it that way. Maybe it does weigh me down! I have had it cut to my breast like 2 years ago, but they just did a straight cut and it dit not look great haha. I will for sure look into it, thank you so much :)

Really? A bob is so scary haha! But I will for sure look into it. Maybe it's a fun change. Thank you so much for your advice :)

Thank you for your advice! I will ask my dentist what they have to offer :)

That's a great idea, thank you! Just more feathering or more like curtain bangs?

What do you use to lift your lashes and whiten your teeth? I would love to do those things but am so afraid I will ruin my lashes and my teeth will get overly sensitive

I like 3 the most! :)

I don't think you have a long or big forehead. Curtain bangs would look really cute! Full bangs make your face look wider, but still look cute on you. :)