-Me, demolishing Helldives with Railgun on the regular because I didn't know it stops being a viable gun past diff 6

Laser Cannon is significantly slower than Railgun to kill a Hulk and needs a stun grenade. I can easily one tap a moving hulk with a Railgun from 30m away, doing it with a laser cannon is almost impossible. I think you're just not very good with the Railgun bro.

Bots finally discovering the beauty of teamwork, comradery and brotherhood

Some Helldiver comes in and murders both of them in cold blood

I reminded them at the beginning of the match that samples were a priority

I would've left without you just because you think you get to issue orders

lmao what a loser, we need a host report system just for people like this

I think both of you a cringe, but wanting to unlock everything in the game without even a little effort(playing diff 6) is definitely more so.

There's a difference between "overpowered" weapons in the context of a meta, which is what Reddit talks about, where it means "stronger than all other options"

And "overpowered" on a promo material where it means just "powerful, but even more !"

I also like how people will complain Railgun was only nerfed due to bug making you two shot Bile Titans and that's not fair but no one will acknowledge Breaker Incendiary was buffed multiple times off the back of fire damage not working, and now that it's fixed it clearly overtuned.

Are we stronger when one person has lmg, gatling barrage and sentry while the other has ops, railcannon, eat and recoiless?

Compared to both if you running lmg, gatling barrage and sentry - No

Compared to both of you running ops, railcannon, eat and recoiless - Yes

Especially true if the game decides to throw Bile Spewers at you

Definitely not normal for lvl 6, spawn rates bug out sometimes, not a new patch thing.

Airburst has been an absolute blast to play since they turned up the chaff spawns, getting 30+ kills on a single shot with it on the regular. Also AT mines do nothing to Bile Titans too.

Helldivers 1 is still supported 9 years after it's release.

I'm sure people buying your game and not playing is more ideal than people buying your game and continuously ask for stuffs (either stuff to be fixed or new features)

Also wrong

Guy: "I bought a game, played it for 400 fucking hours, now I don't anymore"

Reddit: "Damn, feels like a scam"

Also no, people buying your game and not playing is not the ideal customer for live service games

MO planets are very often quite a bit harder than the normal. Happened a bunch of times before.

What did you do ?

Did you get a hotdog ?

Fixed instances of players becoming stuck in the hellpod loading screen.

Yes, quite possibly.

All I need is to stay prone after getting ragdolled and we good


Trophies for taking part in major campaigns would be cool as hell tbh

Also petition for rack for all SEAF artilery rounds you bring with yourself on the Pelican pls

The amount of grind with the recent update is ridiculousHUMOR
  • Time to get to the ship console pre-patch: 6 seconds

  • Time to get to the ship console post-patch: 9 seconds

This is assuming you go to the ship console from the cryo pods, as is the usual route, haven't tested from Galaxy War terminal.

They literally increased the amount of time it takes you to get the ship upgrades by 50%.

This is unaccaptable.

Turns out you can only restock the drone backpack from a supply drop?


The guard dog is pretty solid for bots imo, but requires a lot of playing around - staying away from fabricators, striders, tanks to not drain your ammo and getting a ressuply drop on cooldown every time. It does really need ground ammo to give it one or two mags and it'll be golden.