Front carry??? Even more ridiculous than that is that Robyn Brown has a concealed weapon! Holy buckets! She can’t go an hour without an emotional outburst so let’s give her a firearm!

Is Robyn armed? What is under her shirt? ALSO do K&R ever go out in the sun???

We all have our trying moments in life BUT if someone like Robyn perceived me as weak…… talk about a wake up call!!!!!!!!

Agreed! There is no shame in any height or body type! However my money is on 5’6 with a strong tail wind….. if that! Plus we all shrink as we get older anyway so why lie???

True!!!! But this particular property is in Hildale! Isn’t that ground zero for the FLDS??

“Survived” ….. I think the usage of this particular word speaks volumes about their experience!!!!!!

But Kody says he is 5’11 annnd he has six pack abs and great pecks! So it must be true because Kody Brown wouldn’t lie!

This is clip from the TV show The Brady Bunch in which Jan concocted a fictional boy friend and her sister Marsha called her out!

Soooo you’re not a fan of the bunch?

It is true that if you starve yourself your blood sugar will plummet! Good call Robyn!!!

Robyn gave birth naturally in a blowup kiddie pool in the living room of her trailer with her step-daddy watching the entire thing…. BUT cleaning fish sends her running to the water closet??!! “Sure Jan!”

What happens to a gold digger when the gold supply runs dry??? (I’m worried about Robyn and her merry band of chicken tenders!!!!)

“I didn’t think it was necessary for you guys to know that!”

Excuse your mouth Robyn???

Ding ding ding!!!!! We have a winner!

Omg! Does Kody have a tacky man necklace for every outfit?? Is that a purse under his arm??

Or the 600 camp lanterns hanging over the island!!!!

That would be amazing if an employee came up behind him and said “ welcome to Target Miss”!

What on earth was he doing there???? That far from the compound in Flagstaff???