I appreciate your listen and opinion, thank you so much!

Seriously tho I need to redo that vocal because I’m insecure about it😂 the lyric is “shivering” but I need to work on my annunciation lol

Very nice! I love your style :)

Here’s my SoundCloud! A lot are really rough demos. I appreciate your time and feedback!

This is beautiful in its simplicity! Nothing looks overworked and you are already building a very unique style. Keep it up! :)

I hate to say it but the All Too Well (10 Minute Version) ruined the charm of the original (for me, personally). It was perfect the way it was, she said everything that needed to be said in the original, and it was MUCH more relatable. Plus, I agree with the synths, really cheapened up the production. More is not always better. I honestly get bored when I listen to it.

Oh my god, so true! It’s very aggravating. My mom can’t WAIT until she can bring up alcohol so she can get on her soapbox, like she didn’t completely drink away my entire childhood.

This is the most recent song I wrote, almost a year ago. marquee(demo)

Working on an EP! Here’s a demo of a song that will be on it :) Oxford

I heard back relatively quick, early March.

Imposter Syndrome definitely. I’m not really traditionally trained in music and I’m afraid people will find out I don’t know what I’m doing lol

Is it even worth it?:flair-discussion: Discussion

I’ve had my first EP finished for almost 3 years.Everything is in place and ready to be mastered. I’m afraid to release it because I’m not as proud of these songs as I once was. I’m afraid no one will like them or I’ll embarrass myself. I’m almost sick of hearing them. Is it even worth it to release it?

I haven't been able to complete a single checkout after getting though to the payment information! It keeps kicking me back to the queue!

I kicked me back to the beginning AFTER I HAD ALREADY PUT IN PAYMENT INFO AND HIT CHECKOUT. I am livid.