Maybe came in at P3 or P4.

Cops do not see citizens as equals to them. Citizens are lesser beings of some sort. Realizing this makes so many things make more sense.

I cheated, reverse image search

Same letters are different... Hand written?

I had to have the bricks above garage taken down, lentle replaced, and bricks put back up. I had numerous masons show up and then leave not even offering a bid.

Unfortunately this should have been the way long before bankruptcy. Hardware should all have a local control option even if that is just an open API.

People truly are so very careless with scanning QR codes.

How it isn't just completely obvious that it is the latter is baffling to me.

People were fooled by the AIM chat bots in the early oughts...

If you pass on second try. However if it takes you a third try it will affect gpa.

In 6 years, you know how many times I saw a pilot involved in morning fod walk... One time. Just like this that was during a photo op.

I absolutely do believe that some people want AI and voice interaction, not doubting that at all. But not "everyone".

Well technically when one said "not me" it is known to not be a dream for everyone. Now me too. I don't talk to my phone even after years. Why would I talk to my house?

Does take two get none of that GTA online goose egg?

I got "you're going to waste away".

Big company gets to make multimillion dollar donation and it costs them nothing. Most people feel guilty saying no.

When I got a new manager assigned and realized that I was older than him.

Home Depot will rekey for free.

Someone painted the bathroom in a dorm shower when I was in USAF tech school. I was bay chief and one of the airman came knocking on my door and said "you have to come see this". Never did figure out who the freak was that did that. I am convinced that it wasn't someone from our hall though.

They'd definitely just put a child or spouse on payroll at that point right?

I don't think anyone working for Google created the headline that you read.