I just looked. That's a lot of "flaired users only". Now I'm heading to r/Eyebleach

"Congress did a bad thing" (Republicans) vs. democrats did a bad thing. If you pay attention, this is the headline 100% of the time.

"Republicans defy its own law, fails to install plaque honoring Jan. 6 police officers"

Maybe the cops should rough him up a bit - paraphrasing Trump

Age: > 10 Years

I went to undergrad at a university that only gave whole grades. Strictly A B C or D. My GPA was thus degraded vs other schools. That said, when it came to finals I could calculate my grade. Humm. Fail the final, yup, still a B. Ace it. Still a B... OK, focus on differential equations where it might make a difference. It made decisions easier, and my GPA never prevented me from getting a job. Then again, I graduated in 88... before it got crazy.

The story of Stella star! Best worst movie voted 3 years in a row till it was banned from voting for :)

Kurt Russell legit made that basketball shot!

Once again "Congress". No, it is the republicans. If it was democrats missing the deadline, the headline would be "Democrats blew the deadline..." Am I the only one who sees this inconsistency?

I asked you to consider the reality that you got a pay bump to stay home. Also, mowing grass is noble work.

No. You got a pay bump to stay home, while us essential workers got nothing but more work. Try to see this from those that had to continue.

I went to a job interview a week early. Everyone was amused and had a good chuckle which gave me a chance to meet everyone. When I came back a week later for the actual interview, everyone treated me like I already worked there! Yes, I got the job.

Age: > 10 Years

If you drive an EV or PHEV, the extra money imposed on you when you buy tabs is roughly the same gas tax as an f150. I would like to see use tax, but I don't know how to do it well...

Age: > 10 Years

We used to make the Abrams tank. I remember seeing tank parts on flatbeds on i275 in the 80s.

This is the headline if republicans are blocking a bill.

If democrats are the ones blocking the bill, this is the headline. "Democrats voted against funding a cure for cancer just to block a win for Biden"


This is exhausting. Once you see it, it can't be unseen. Congress if the Republicans are the issue. Democrats it it's the democrats.

Images are for the internet. Paintings are for irl. Please go see a painting you have been moved by on the internet. It's like going see them in concert.