Hello to you all.

TLDR: Does anybody know a glasses place where they do have a unique variety of glasses and skilled employee?

I am currently looking to buy new glasses and must say - that I've been to plenty of places in downtown Munich. (VIU, ACE&TATE, John&Audrey). Unfortunately I all of the places just look fancy but only have VERY similar style of glasses. It's quite difficult because I do not really like them and don't think they fit my face. The only place that was 'different' and where the employee suggested to a super fresh style of glasses was HARTOG close to Münchner Freiheit - unfortunately I did not find it fitting either.

But still, my question is: does anybody know a glasses place in Munich where they do have a good variety or a unique variety of glasses and skilled employee (skilled in regards to 'we know extremely well which glasses fit which face)?