Preface: I don’t Coach my sons team, I coach my daughters team, I don’t do Game balls and I caught some flack for it originally.

I believe in the rule of Thirds. 1/3 will be your studs, 1/3 will be your duds, and the rest will make up the core of your team (this is where my son resides). When those Studs make that diving backflip pop fly catch, they get rewarded. when those duds make that 1 hit of the season, they get rewarded. So that leaves you with chasing reasons to recognize the middle 3rd who make up the core of your team.

What has happened 2 seasons in a row to my son (who again is a middle of the pack player) is going into the last game without earning one. For 2 seasons when he has made a good play he’s been outshined every time by some other player.

The kid has been disheartened since mid season because he knows the coach will overlook any play he makes for some random fluke play.

This is why I give out team balls at the end of season banquet. Besides softballs are 2x the cost of baseballs.