Our A/C isn't working and home warranty sent over a tech to diagnose the issue. He noted that the 18 year old unit needs to be replaced because there are 2 leaks in the system

  1. evaporator coil
  2. outdoor core valve

home warranty doesn't cover valves but they do cover evaporator coil but they are trying to weasel out of it by saying that the "failure does not constitute normal wear and tear" (which contract requires). The HVAC technician does not state it is any such conclusion in their report and the home warranty staff are making their own interpretation of the report which only notes the leaks in the system along with photos. The unit is old and has reached end of life but has been maintained annually and filters changed regularly so I am disputing home warranty's opinion.

Wondering if anyone has thoughts on how to handle the home warranty company's opinion since I have a copy of the tech's report and 2 independent reports indicating the same diagnosis of a leak which cannot be repaired.


