Traction is pretty solid and was recommended by an old boss of mine.

Here on the west coast we have an employee owned chain called winco that’s consistently less expensive most of the time. So I do most of my grocery shopping there unless I need just a couple of things. So price is the determining factor.

Building systems and scaling. Basic accounting. Building teams. Building for growth. Goal setting.

Just move away, don’t wait, just go. You’ll figure it out, you always have and you always will.

I try to once a week, but frequently travel so usually the day after I get home and fall asleep.

A girl was at my house after school and asked me if I wanted to, so we went to my bedroom and did it.

Nope, one of my friends dads didn’t want to pay me so he told my mom.

The class is primarily library and research driven. It’s the same class for business core with all the different instructors. Some may be friendlier than others but the business problems and potential solutions paper you form is the same regardless of instructor.

Adhd is also a trauma response from ptsd. We experience a lot of traumatic events and some people respond differently than others.

Sugar & validation are probably the most difficult of all. Those two underlie so many surface level addictions.

Not respecting boundaries for themselves or their partners.

Be transparent about other men in your dm’s, don’t call your partner controlling or insecure or shut down things that make him uncomfortable. Just like women, we know how members of our own gender act. Don’t assume we’re stupid.

I’d have run of the mill typical sex with my partner and fall asleep then die peacefully in my slumber not knowing it would be my last time or that I was going to die.

I mean big gains from big risks. That’s why low risk investments pay so little and big gambles payoff so well.

To maximize returns with no other qualifiers, make a very risky unlikely speculation. If it pays off you’re wealthy, if it doesn’t you’re only out $1k.

I moved “far away” for the first time. About 120 miles from my home town. My girlfriend and I moved together on a whim. We got an apartment then promptly started looking for jobs. We were very very broke.

I took my first job in a call center, she got hired there also. It didn’t pay very well, but life was simple. Very simple. We applied everywhere we could, pizza places, Walmart, target,… etc

I didn’t realize it at the time, but if anything went wrong, literally anything we would have become homeless very very quickly.

I became very resilient, creative, and self reliant at the time. I had a tobacco habit, but didn’t drink very often, and had given up smoking pot for the most part.

I kept things simple, and I had a very very loyal and beautiful girlfriend. I didn’t see it at the time, but it was true. She stood by me when we had next to nothing.

I didn’t pay my cell phone bill on time, because the sales person told me the bill could get to $120 before it would shut off, and no one could get ahold of me, even potential employers. It was amazing.

Life was simple then.

When we came collectively decided being morbidly unhealthy was an acceptable lifestyle. We even created new descriptors to make it more palatable.

I want to audit morale by working along side people checking up on their well being. Telling jokes, singing, taking breaks, grabbing lunch, and going home.

An active consumer of drugs including weed and or alcohol. I won’t put up with your maladaptive coping mechanisms and inability to process life.

Severely avoidant and detached people who won’t lean into the relationship at times of stress. People who run away or instigate conflict so they can excuse themselves from resolving problems. Sorry I’m not your childish mommy or daddy.

See a therapist before you start seeing another person. Stop harming people who just want someone to reciprocate.

It doesn’t prepare you for reality/life. It values things like staying busy and punctuality over practical skills that help you get your basic needs met.

I’d say that’s way more normal than knowing. I’m in a completely different field than I was when I was 26. Night and day difference.