Built to Spill. Almost every album is great, and it’s one of my must see live shows.

Top of his class this guy right here

I wasn’t the biggest Kanye fan back in the day, had nothing against his music either, but was convinced to see him on tour, probably a decade ago. It was the tour he performed on the floating stage. It’s still one of the best live shows I’ve ever seen. Easily the best arena show I’ve been to.

Going back to school at 38 in an industry that regularly has people in their 40s start out. It’s more common now than ever.

Worst food poisoning I ever had was from a salad. And mushrooms but that’s another topic.

Woah that’s a nice schedule, where are you at?

Asking for ranch or other sauces after they get their food order. Now I got to put it into the POS and it goes to the end of the line in the kitchen. Ok cool I’ll get you your ranch in ten minutes.

Disgusting. What bar exactly?

I don’t personally know him, just had a check up with him and we had a conversation about switching careers later in life. He was in his 60s.

Marine engineering. Granted I’m single and don’t have a family, so I’m good being away for extended periods. But with my time off I’m free to live/travel anywhere in the world. Other side of this career is deck instead of engine, that route leads to Captain.

I feel ya. At the time I went to college, the thought was get into the best college you can and get any degree and you’re set. Didn’t quite work out. I’ve had 4-5 different careers at this point. None I’ve enjoyed. I’ve decided to look at what I want out of work differently, and that’s freedom. I’m switching careers and going back to school into a career that allows you to have half the year off in longer stretches, pays well, and has lots of opportunities. I’m in my late 30s.

If you’re in your 40s, you most likely will have to work another 20+ years the way things are looking, depending on your situation of course. Never too late to switch things up. I recently met a doctor who didn't go to med school until his late 40s. I wish you luck in your future!

This is exactly what happened. But I did almost get fired lol for explaining them the “law”

Toon blast. Thousands and thousands of levels completed. What a waste.