Hello all! I am looking to buy a new laser cutter for my high school manufacturing/design classes and I would love to hear your opinions on specific models. This will be a replacement for our ancient ULS X660 CO2 (which I loved). We would mostly be cutting cardboard and wood, occasionally other materials if possible. I have never used fiber laser but I'm open to suggestions if that makes sense. Speed would be nice.

Bed size: minimum 16"x24" (400mmx600mm) Usage: approx 4 hrs/day x 150 days/yr Substrate: mostly cardboard and wood at least 1/8" (6mm) thick Exhaust: dedicated building exhaust User-friendly machine and software Autofocus not critical Budget: approx $4k

I would love to hear about your experiences and thoughts on specific brands and models. Currently considering Omtech, because that's what keeps popping up on searches.