lots of deeply chronically online takes from kids who don't understand collective action in the comment section today

Off the top of my head, I can think of two religious denominations that are known to be welcoming and supportive of LGBTQ+ folks.

The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) have a history of fighting for social justice, and they traditionally welcome all people to their meetings. Some Friends organizations also bless unions between same-sex couples and advocate for LGBTQ+ rights in the legal and political arenas.

Unitarian Universalists (which is not technically strictly Christian, but began that way), have supported full equality for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer folks since 1970. They are specifically committed to LGBTQ+ justice and inclusion.

Obviously these are just two small denominations with far fewer adherents than most mainline Protestant Christian sects. But just in case you were asking in earnest, I thought I'd mention them.

Yes, oh my god yes lol. My upper arms have always been huge unless I'm sub-100 lbs (and I haven't been that small since high school).

I struggled with a lot of body dysmorphia issues specifically around my arms, and are still so many things that I feel like I can't wear because of that. It's hard lol. Unfortunately, that is just where my body likes to store fat. I've seen many other of pear-shaped women with this distribution as well.

No advice, just that I see you and hear you and totally empathize!

This is disordered thinking. Please, with kindness, reach out to a mental health professional.

please drop any spotify playlists you have, I love folk music

omg 😭 they're so precious. love them. happy birthday ladies!!

I'm so sorry. 💔

Thank you for giving Tippy the life and the love she always deserved. I'm sure those 11 months she spent with you were the best she'd ever known.

of course, and thanks for replying! I know a cj isn't the place to get serious about stuff but you know lol

I do think there are some very needed conversations to be had about accessibility when it comes to exercise. However, speaking from my own experience, I think this sort of automatic defensiveness toward being told to exercise comes from a place of both being intimidated/overwhelmed by the huge amount of information—and often misinformation—about fitness generally, and from a place of not feeling heard or believed by others in regards to our own limitations (which often leads to pushing too hard to keep up, and then burning out catastrophically when we've pushed ourselves too far beyond our abilities).

I also think folks who are chronically ill or disabled can sometimes feel a little prickly as we've been told dozens of times by perfectly well-meaning people that exercising will solve all our problems, but I know that is not an experience unique to us alone lol.

edit: once again I hope I don't come across as though I am attacking you! I don't feel like you're making fun of disabled or chronically ill folks, and I hope I'm being clear that I appreciate your satire while also trying to have a thoughtful discussion about why there seems to be such a resistance to exercise in diet subs/communities, particularly when they are generally geared toward and populated by women.

unfortunately many able-bodied folks absolutely do not believe that chronic illness is a legitimate reason lmao

not attacking you btw! more a general comment on ableism and how it plays into certain aspects of wellness/exercise

What a good boy. You did right by him. He needed someone looking out for him, and he was lucky enough to have found you. 🩷

There is no way a teenage girl (or anyone, for that matter) would be able to hide a nursing mom and two kittens in their bedroom without anyone else noticing. They are loud, especially when they're hungry. Are you telling me not one single person in that house heard a meow or a cry? They're also kind of smelly, especially assuming this teenager didn't have a litterbox and was just letting Momma go on the floor (??). Neonatal kittens are also so fragile, it's easy to lose one. And when they're old enough to stop nursing, they eat so dang much. Like, it's incredible how much they eat. They would certainly need more than table scraps.

It could be a really cute story otherwise.

now this is what I call quality content! 🩷

aw! so pretty and comfy

male: john marston, no hesitation

female: always had some feelings for Elsa from LA noire

You can't be serious. There is nothing ugly about this bathroom.

Do not paint the tiles. They look to be good quality and the black and white combo is very classic. Paint the walls, though. It's hard to suggest other ideas (wall art, plants, curtains, shelving, decor) when I don't know what style you're going for, other than you apparently hate what you have now.

You could also paint the woodwork on the vanity and mirror a different color if you're not feeling the green. I relent that it looks a little odd right now with the rest of the bathroom.

(N1) Narcolepsy w/ Cataplexy

Very true! Cataplexy is imo a very misunderstood symptom of N1.

It's not just the general population either. In my experience, even healthcare providers aren't familiar enough with cataplexy to distinguish it from 'sleep attacks', and are unable to describe what it actually looks like, much less feels like. (This was the case with my current GP and the two neurologists I've seen).

I think one of the issues among the N community with understanding cataplexy is that we generally experience it in different ways—either because different groups of muscles are affected, or because it's brought on by only positive or only negative emotions, or because it's more obvious/classic in presentation in some folks than in others. It's also just a pretty weird sensation to try to explain in the first place!

Side-note: I think it's likely that cataplexy is a symptom that exists on a spectrum rather than a binary. But I am no scientist lol.