
Nothing wrong with them. I just thought it was funny they are designed as Vultures. Typically an animal that is a carrion feeder


💩 posting about this ad

God dammit, you triggered my Autistic creativity!!! Now I'm gonna go write a bunch more stuff!!

BTW, I feel like it would be okay to mention this here:

I have been working in my own TTRPG system and it's coming along nicely. I will eventually do Alpha test sessions. If anyone is ever interested in doing some Tabletop RPGin', hmu.

I've been writing my whole life and GMing for nearly 24 years.

I'd love feedback on what I have gotten done if anyone else is a Game Dev here!!! :D

This sounds like the opinion of a butt hurt short who lost TONS of money. Sounds like a hit piece. I'm a published author and I csn tell when someone is writing based on biased feelings. THIS is one of those times

I read the title and laughed at how amazing all of you Apes are, just $CUMming up with this shit. My $PNIS and $TITS have never been more secure. My $ASS is in the wind though.

Don't drink from the Punch Bowl in any of my Mothman Churches, or you'll enjoy that Vintage Nukashine trip again. Haha. 😅

One thing I will say is that I was farming Fasnacht event for the plans. I stood there near the Bonfire each time waiting for the event to start. I did this multiple times in the day all day long. Never logged off that server.

There was one time I walked away just before the event started and by the time my "business" ended and I came back, the event was over and I had 8 people staring, emoting and yelling at me in voice chat lile I'm some kind of degenerate.

I'd like to say this...

None of you know what took someone away from their game, so why don't you worry about yourselves? It's insane how something that DOES NOT affect you, makes you so mad.

I love Fallout76 and play all the time. I have multiple characters and I just don't understand why people get so mad.

If there are not enough people there for the event, I can understand why you'd be mad. You want the help and that's fine. But the event normally has a good amount of people. Someone being AFK for it shouldn't be any problem.

If there are always the same people just standing around and farming it, then sure, be mad. But just chill. People have lives outside the game and sometimes while playing, it takes them away, but they want to come right back to playing so they go afk

I just want to point out that you said "evidence of innocence". I understand what you mean, but I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be Innocent until Proven Guilty.

I totally believe he is guilty, BUT it's this kind of wording and thought process that makes our justice system immoral.

Like, we need evidence to prove our innocence now? That's not how it works.

ONCE AGAIN, I do believe he is guilty of this. I just wanted to point this out.

What pisses me off?

I wake up every day and see the wrong in this world.

I have Autism and have always sought out the truth to things, even if I couldn't find it. I never give up. I despise being told that "That's just how it is" or "that's the world we live in".

I've always believed that change can happen. It just needs enough bodies behind it, pushing forward.

What pisses me off the most is waking up and seeing a world that's just wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. All the wrong people are in positions of power.

We have allowed the filth and scum to take over and it's time everyone got on their overalls and started cleaning up this mess.

I, for one, am done allowing these pricks to take advantage of our system. It's built to allow them to so so and we need to turn it around. I want to cry every day because this world sucks. Instead I get up and do something. Fuck these piece of shits. They are going down because I'll never sell. Easy as pie.

Fuck...I spit out my drink when I came across this. Lmao, he does look like EGGMAN!!! LMAO

Peter can Tuch my man any day, mmmmm. With hair like Einstein and a smile like a lost puppy, I just might need to grab my lotion and tissues. Give me a moment Apes....I'll brb

If proce goes to $1, I'm gonna buy literally every share that I can, period.

Funny thing is now they aren't even checking the images. I saw another article a few weeks ago with the same image of the same old crazy hair guy but it was titled differently.

He is 💯 intoxicated and slurring his words. It's insane they even let him on air.


💩 post about "Smart Money" not being so Smart

So called "Smart Money"👽 Shitpost

Sorry in advance, but I'm sitting at my desk, listening to music, and chillin', and I had a cloudy thought.

Cloudy ⛅️ Thought #1: If so called "Smart Money" were really so smart. If they have all these "predictive" algos. How come they didn't see this shitstorm coming? How come they couldn't "predict" that the internet and social media would make their crime more visible?

This has been your FIRST Daily Cloudy ⛅️ Thought!

I'm going to try and remember to do this, but I usually have my head in the ⛅️.


This. This is incredible. I love SoD so much and the fact that you guys did this AND popped in here to comment and share your love is amazing and incredible and we need to see more of this.


Shitpost about dum dums talking shit on Gamestop.

No lights in the stores? More like no lights in their heads. Ay ayyyyy!!


Every time I hear one of these so called "Educated Experts" discussing these things, it makes me cringe. And that's hard to do. But suffice to say, this woman and her pink pant suit, saying that she sees an upward trend with no "fundamental values" behind it, just hurts my brain.

  • 4bn cash on hand
  • No debt
  • transformation of company

Pft, no fundamentals at all right?


My buddy always tells me i shoulda bought a corolla. Guess the opinion is universal


I was never PERSUADED. I have always made my own decisions because even though I'm part of this community and love it. I'm regarded as hell and pretty much yolo'd my savings into this since I'm already a wage slave.