This is much darker than what I usually have. The whole bud got like a dark purple tone to it and it make the trichomes above much clearer. Not that easy to smoke since the initial hit really bad me barely able to sit still. The taste is nice it's like earthy but with a grape taste that got mixed into it. The effect is just a strong body buzz that make me feel sleepy.

He's just not as important as Reiner know he shouldn't waste time back then. Erwin could still run away.

Looks rough they could have trimmed off here and there especially when those aren't crystal leaves due to the lack of trichomes. It might make you cough here and there and the exhale was similar to woody cedar. The effects are clear cerebral sativa but potency it was really mid I wouldn't try it again.

It has been a long time since I post anything here. Recently I had two strain from here this one looks great the other one not so much but I will try it during the weekend. In general, I think this one looks great it's also smell great too there's a good mixture of nutty and earthy pine. Smooth and it's like a mellow indica that long for long time to chill.

This distillate wet or actual terp wet?

Buy what you need now and still hit up the good deals on 420

Always the 1g joints it would be a waste if I couldn't finish it

Slam 100% mango juice 20 minutes before you smoke

She is right. I use an arizer and love it. Tried my friend's dynavap and could not get used to the draw. I had an Arizer air and upgraded to Arizer Solo 2

My work playlist

When you are not well endowed, take a step closer.

The fumes must give the air a cinnamon like spice.

With a vape. It won't make the smell completely disappear but it wont smell as bad as lighting up a joint and smoking