At this point they need to be a little more generous with the rerun statistics. Heck at least half of them have been power crept out to the point of being useless.

That is someone I have not heard from in a very long time. I hope he’s doing well.

How did you get Diantha to do so much damage?

Who started this request and how long has it been going? Must have been some time for it to have ascended to the meme like status it has garnered.

Lobster Boiled in Maple Syrup

It’s finally happened everyone! We broke him (again)!


I know tweaking/figuring things out is the nature of the beast on Linux. However if you are selling a product with Linux preloaded I feel that comes with an unspoken promise of 100% out-of-the-box functionality.

GTX 970

Wish more computer cases like this existed where the motherboard lays flat. Considering how large graphics cards are getting that geometry might be preferable.

I didn’t know they were rebooting Hellboy…again.

The smaller scale of this movie looks promising though.

I feel like I should be doing something more with my Deck…

Felt like they were onto something with 3 giving Troy a character arc of him stepping out of his sister’s shadow, but it feels like they chickened out a bit with that.

That’s useful. Thank you. Although I’m surprised those videos didn’t pop up in my own searching…

Maybe using Krita or some other digital drawing app. If anything I’m keen to better understand its utility in tablet mode.

That’s disappointing to hear. My main interest for this product was to get something that could double for drawing/pen work.

Have you done much interfacing it with a pen? How does that work? Curious about that.

Starlite Tablet - Initial Impressions?

Hi all. I'm noticing that people are posting about receiving their Starlite tablets. I've been looking for a good ultra portable linux system for my personal computing, and the Starlite seems to check a lot of those boxes. I'm considering getting one, but I would like to ask owners of it alread what they think about it. I've seen some mixed feelings in this subreddit. Input would be appreciated.

It seemed like an impact site from one of their meteors. Just felt so out of place.

Blizzard added Role Queue for Overwatch and that proved to be a trainwreck when you are considering just 3 categories. I can't imagine how bad it would be with 9.

Edit: Just realizing who the person I replied to was.

I remember hearing the series had another 10 years left 10 years ago. I know the series is an esteemed manga for a very good reason and has plenty of fans. The worldbuilding is impressive but at this point it feels overwhelming to me.

What was going on with that scene in the crater/building ruins right after the pharmacy scene? What the heck was that cat licking? That part just felt so out of place.

I loved the first movie but if I were candid the premise doesn't really have franchise potential.

Is the series going to conclude anytime soon? Feels like it has been in the endgame path for some time.