Quick close it back up and bury it before the black death and Mongols get us!

You probably should get a sleep test done. It's possible you may need a CPAP if you're snoring badly enough that it wakes you up. Source: I can't fall asleep on my back for the same reason, got a sleep test done I had really bad AHI. Now I can sleep on my back with a CPAP.

A Jewish space laser??

Every single time there's something posted on reddit of some new gadget or a new way to do things the absolute first and top rated comment is always about how or why it will not work. Every single time without fail. It's like redditors will trip over themselves to go against the grain just for the sake of it (and fake internet points).

The Child

I'm kind of surprised Palpatine left him alive honestly. While his public role was known, he was also behind the scenes for so much that the public doesn't know about

I know an obscenely wealthy guy who got into fast food franchising. I am unsure how many he owns but he solves that pain in the ass by owning it through a capital management firm of his own and hiring a general manager. The firm manages his other stuff too, like real estate management

The hard green tea slaps. I drink it way too much

The hard iced teas they started selling are really good too. Just not .99¢ (understandable)

He wasn't really wrong though. An electron is a particle. His son found out it could also be a wave. Basically his son proved that Wave-Particle Duality applies to electrons as well

I feel it's more "fall of the Roman Republic" vibes since we saw increasing political instability toward the end of the Republic spurred on by vast wealth inequality and inability to distribute land equitably. This led to conflict of the classes, slave revolts, and generals fighting each other.

So it's less end of our civilization more of a transition to something else. For better or worse

That game was frustrating to watch. They outplayed us

I had wings+beer so I was white knuckling it for a moment. All good now

Jeez it's already on season 3? I really need to get to it

Jedi Council

The whole maybe first half of the first season was just...slow and aimless. IIRC part of the reason was they were aired out of place. But once it picks up and the writers understand the characters, boy does it get really good.