Man. Adore my Roborock. We've got a pretty easy floor for it, but it's been pretty flawless. Was just thinking this morning it's one of the better investments I've made in a while.

yeeeeah, doubt. 101 karma from that comment - 108 total.

Same. While back. Such a disappointment. Caught them previously on the Elevation Tour ('01) - one of the best shows in memory. Was so excited to see them again. Crazy dichotomy.

Bonus though, Lenny Kravitz opened for them & absolutely killed it.

And its working based on these comments

It's just Reddit. Don't be too disheartened.

I can actually tell that there's something going on in the Shareblue / DNC ranks today because the 'sky is falling' rhetoric has taken a nose dive in comparison to the last few days of it being turned up to 11. Still some outliers obviously / kool-aid drinkers, but if there was an actual live reddit usage statistic, my bet is it would be WAY down.

As a southerner, no doubt. Or the Japanese?! We could have a 'politeness-off'!

Always wondered why they rebadged the Holdens here. I think they'd have done better as actual Holdens. (esp. Monaro / "Pontiac GTO" - they weren't foolin' anybody with the GTO name)

Man, can't believe this was this far down.

At the least, get a little velcro tie, hell, even a couple of twisties to at least bunch them together as one bundle going up the center.

oooof. As someone who lived in TX & visited OK... I'd pick TX all day every day.

My first thought.

If those aren't some kind of triple paned, mega insulated glass panels, facing north... that's a big pizza oven.

half this sub will say they’d but it

I know it's a typo, but accurate.

This sub - 'BUT...'

omg - now I'm going to look up condom in German, and it's going to be hilarious... brb...

LAME. It's kondom. But also!... Präservativ.

Though, research also turned up Nahkampfsocke - pretty hilarious... socke, obvious... nahkampf... close combat! lol

Yup, caught a 'hypernazi' via this sub just a bit ago.

It really illustrates just how well they understand history & how seriously they take that terminology. (not at all)

It also deepens the mystery of how there are ANY Jews still voting democrat.

TIL the word 'fursona' exists, from their latest comment.


Continued usage of the word 'nazi' as an every day insult, to include adding fantastical prefixes seems... childish at best. Unwise at the least.

Honestly though, it would take a pretty special human to not come out of that level of worship for that long and not be.

Fiscal Conservative

lol - 11 / 25 top post titles currently with "Trump" in the title.

They can NOT get enough of that guy!

edit - I am also not banned from there! Miraculous. Gotta get on that!

Fiscal Conservative

I mean he forgot about the troop deaths under his watch.

“The truth is, I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any this – this decade, that doesn’t have any troops dying anywhere in the world, like [Trump] did,”

That seems like a pretty important something that would drastically affect most people's lives that they could never forget. That's 16 souls (declassified).

The only 'excuses' for that statement are all very, very bad.

I had no clue they tended towards hereditary / genetic predisposition. Sincere thanks for commenting. Learned a thing.

I am definitely using those features far less than anticipated.

Some of the pic editing comes in handy though! (erasing this or that)

That said, progressives need to learn to fight. In addition, we must obtain and learn how to use guns.

Whoa whoa whoa... now hang on a minute... YOU people said there was no reason to have those?!!

Hypocrisy is truly a core tenet over there isn't it?

edit - ahhahaha! - bit further down...

Then watch the conservatives start spit balling the idea of taking guns away from people because now liberals are pro 2nd amendment.

lol - yeah, that'll totally happen.

Honestly, at this point, I don't think they can even cheat their way out of this one. I think the powers that be know this and are ratcheting the fear porn up to 11 in a last ditch effort.

Will be truly interesting to see how that evolves over such a long period, a veritable eternity in election cycle time.

I honestly think they're taking it too far for even the lowest information voters. Like, it's literally meme material NOW. You could post as an alt on some subs with legitimately the craziest thing you could think of and probably make the front page.

"Once more the Democrats will rule the country!!! Then... we shall have... peace."

Biden is a pretty piss poor excuse for Palps though. ;P