I have an egg intolerance. Usually a cutlet doesn't bother me but I've experimented with some other ways to bread chicken just in case it eventually does. A very fine layer of sour cream does a good job. You can't really even tell it's there when it's cooked. Like just a little that you spread on with a knife.

Edited to add: I've only tried baking them like this. Not sure how it would hold up in a frying pan.

I have no clue, sorry. I saw the original post on fb while it was unfolding and that's the extent of my knowledge on the sitch.

My sister tried to introduce her daughter to to little house years ago. They picked a random episode and it was all about divorce. Lol. My sister spent the next couple of hours explaining the concept of divorce to her young child who was shaken to her core. Lol.

My sister's dog does this with my puppy. I give them both the same toy/bone but they would rather try to steal from each other so one treat always gets ignored. My pup is not thinking ahead about anything. He'll just stare until he sees his opening.

My sister's dog (Tibetan terrier) will find all sorts of ways to distract my pup to get the bone. Her favorite is to pretend to be excited about something outside. Once my pup gets curious, she waits for him to come out and then darts inside for the bone. My pup will spend 5 mins sniffing and rolling around before he even notices he's been ditched. Sometimes she does that to him when she just really wants a break from him. It's funny to me but my sister feels like her dog is "being mean." Lol

I'm stuck on why these two would share a popsicle in the first place? Mom and small kid? Ok fine whatever. But mom and adult step kid who apparently despise each other?

The original post started on fb. It was confirmed not carvel and it was deduced it was milkyways.

You can find the original post on the Long Island foodies fb page. I think it's milkyways. I'm not familiar so I might've messed up the name.

I know that relief!!!

About 30 years ago a friend of mine was in college. Broke as ever. She needed 11.00 to pay her phone bill (landline). She, like you, never asked her parents for a dime. They had 4 other children to raise. She was walking back to her apartment after class and feeling pretty shitty. She looked down and saw money on the ground. Looked around and no one was there. She counted it. It was 11.00.

I'm glad you are able to make your rent! You sound like a very responsible person. It's also ok to ask for help and it doesn't mean you're a failure. It just means you pay it back and forward when you can!!

I feel like gummies smell pretty strong. I usually take some into the park with me (helps with the nausea I get from medication). Now I'm a little worried!

Dang. Singapore is no joke. I'd have been terrified.

Going to my cousins' in Jersey. I was the youngest so I was ignored and never allowed to do the fun stuff with the older kids. I bobbed for apples and held a few sparklers. They had dogs tho so I was cool with it.

I cried a lot. My little one refused to do his business in front of me!! 😵‍💫It's not like I ever even yelled at him about it. When I got him it was way too cold to train him outside. 10 mins of waiting would have us both freezing. what worked for me was pee pads. If I suspected he had to go (one of his tells was just going from toy to toy vs focusing on one) I'd put his leash on and "walk him" to the pee pads and then just wait. Then a ton of praise and treats (make sure the treats are small enough. I thought he wasn't treat motivated until I cut them up!)

Eventually, he was taking himself over to the pee pads.

Then, when the weather got better, I removed the pee pads and applied the same tactic to outside potty time. It worked like a charm!

Edited to add: for food: I find if I hand feed him a couple bites it whets his appetite and he will go investigate his bowl. Sometimes I have to let him watch me put the food in his bowl.

It's a thing now. On my local parent's fb group there was a whole discussion about the kids who "identify as furries."

So he got back at her by embarrassing her? Sounds like a great guy! There are many other ways to address his feelings.

I didn't call it a scandal. It's just weird if that's not what everyone else is wearing thus making it a "stunt" or a deliberate spectacle. She didn't wear a cocktail dress as a joke. He wore a speedo to make a spectacle/ joke.

I don't demand anything. I also find some women's suits inappropriate. It's not that difficult to understand unless you're unwilling to.

It was clearly in retribution. He wanted to "get back" at her. Did you read the post?

Stop being an idiot. A speedo leaves nothing to the imagination. It's not a common thing in the US and the boyfriend said it was bought AS A JOKE so he knew it wasn't NORMAL pool wear. If she showed up in a thong bikini to his friend's pool party im sure he'd have an issue. Probably for different reasons but an issue nonetheless.

If it was his friends? Sure! Go crazy, speedo dude. It was her event with her friends. I would be embarrassed too. It's really not that funny.

You sound like a great parent. Brooklyn will welcome your daughter and her girlfriend. For the most part, not a single person will care. I hope she loves it here and has a blast!