Wheelie on grass! Now that is a pro motorcycle racist move!

He said what he said. Racist it is!

Just one device? Steam deck. Can afford another? 3DS - there’s nothing that emaulates the 3D hardware. Another one? Switch - because of the HUGE game library.

After that, it’s all luxury. Go crazy if you can spare the money.

I’m not a child with infinite time anymore. If something gets me stuck for half an hour AND I’m not having fun trying to figure it out, I’m out.

way to put down a poor child who is just trying to make the best of her situation. Shame, op.


It says “don’t screw around”. You did and you found out 😂

As suggested by many people, I disconnected the battery and reconnected after ten seconds. It seems to have fixed all my battery problems

It’s time for my kiddie sharks to sleep. You’re gonna have to play tomorrow

Feels like light should be faster than that - it looks more like just a really fast fuse.

Bruh, try the GBC. I am truly amazed at how I played it in my youth.

Ah, understandable then. Sit him down nicely and have a kind word about respecting boundaries. Then buy him an ice cream


Protontricks (or an equivalent wine wrapper) is pretty cool if you want to make old games work. Heard Lutris is also good but I haven’t had the need to use anything other than protontricks.

As someone who went from emulation devices to the og hardware, I can recommended og because it satisfied me at multiple levels. They’re not crazy expensive, to begin with. Second, the modding scene is amazing - if you’re into hardware modding, there are brilliant IPS displays available, there are battery mods, and heck there’s even a mod called unhinged, which converts the GBA SP into a metallic GBC kind of form factor.

If you want features like save states or fast forward/rewind or filters, they’re obviously not available on the original hardware.

Oh man, that’s a gorgeous colour

How to fuck up the whole video game industry:

  1. Create a subscription model that promises all first party games on release day

  2. Buy up studios that make video games that they believe in and that the players want

  3. Ask them to make video games the execs want (live service or unnecessary grind shit so gamers keep subscribing)

  4. Shut down studios that make amazing short single player experience

  5. ?

  6. Profit!?

Totally legit Ninfendo stuff

Excellent choice of game 😍

I say, that’s the spot.. again!

Jeez for a second it looked like a hospital pic with someone showing off a tumour they just removed

GB games on the pocket for sure. I’m still leaning towards the amoled for GBC because I’m still not used to holding the pocket, and the screens seem similar enough to me.. could be that og is more comfortable to hold, or maybe I don’t care if it gets scratched while I’m being quite careful with the pocket (first week hahaha)

the wand chooses the wizard. That much has always been clear…