I am one of the rare few that prefers the OG 3DS vs the new 3DS XL. Both great but OG feels more premium and it fits in pocket perfectly.

I regret eating it. The McDouble tasted like shit đź’©

Reminded me of Bruce Willis in that McDonald’s fast food movie. “We all gotta eat a little shit”

This is the way. 12 pack for each guest. Also bring Coca Cola. They only serve Pepsi at carnival.

She will do/say anything to become a full time housewife again

theory on the finale: the reviews were (mostly) positive but syd's dish was the highlight of the review.

i don't think syd told anyone but maybe word got out? it's been at least a week or two since they said "sign the papers" ... so maybe those texts were a warning of the poaching and a sense that Syd is leaving.. the "motherfucker" sounds directed towards either the review, syd and/or they are giving him a deadline to close the restaurant unless its profitable.

At least put coco melon on the TV

extremely unethical. i wouldn't do this. they stopped putting to-go meals at panera and chipotle for this very reason. if it is starbucks and you are in a rush and the line is out the door - then grab a coffee and go. baristas are too busy anyways. HOWEVER, i would feel way too guilty doing that. baristas barely make any tips and you're slowing them down even more by remaking the food.

so true. also if you order the lowest odd number 3 (on the app), choose two flavors (ex: glaze/chocolate). they will give you 4 bc they do not know if you want more chocolate or glaze.

wait i figured it out. STEP 1: put sd card into laptop STEP 2: show hidden folders STEP 3: find the hidden trash folder and delete the games you've installed. STEP 4: load more games. this is how you fit more games onto a 32gb sd card

how did you clear more space?

Same! I was rooting for her the first 2 seasons but then once Shrek got fired in season 3 - I realized much later he was the glue/comedic relief of the cast in a weird way (probably bc of his money and his dad is the executive producer). I thought I was going to get downvoted by my original comment bc it was harsh but I'm glad ppl who watched the show agree with my sentiments.

omg please do this. but most importantly: ASSERT DOMINANCE

examples: spread your legs on the couch, change the channel if they are watching something, order delivery JUST for you and eat it in front of them. if you really want to burn bridges, walk around the house in just a big t-shirt or something skimpy when he is over. she will definitely start going to his house and you will finally have the place to yourself. be so overly confident that it comes off as arrogance/entitlement. give them a taste of their own medicine.

Agreed. Saw part 2 on tubi and it was the exact opposite. Ryan Reynolds and Justin Long were the glue to this movie. (Anna Farris too)

Yeah they should’ve kept at it until the finale. The found rarer cards the more they progressed that boosted their mega level Digimon. I would choose tamers digivice bc of the cards and merging with my Digimon

Thank you! That show had its run and don’t want her back on my screen. MTV stars don’t belong on Bravo. Juliette is very pretty but has a horrible personality and some weirdly deep anger issues. Yes she was a lead of her show but she was NO LC or Kristen Cavelleri. Juliette is more Florida white trash 🚮

With inflation I’ve been changing my eating habits. Protein, veggies and fruit only. Everything else is a waste to my wallet and body.

Went to private school in Miami area. Parties were very similar to the ones on the oc during that era.

The should’ve kept filming at the real house instead of building a studio replica. But it saved them money and time. You could tell it was fake by how the lighting of the sky/background meshed with the pool area.

Shit like this is why there is a separate group chat without her. At this point they are all her coworkers, not family.

Why can’t she just be happy and nice and not be so reactive. It’s not in her DNA.

enters store random person: “who tf is Marissa???”

Oh okay get a job. McDonald’s and Starbucks is hiring. DoorDash, Uber and Lyft hire you on the spot.

stay in capsule hotels. they even have internet cafes open 24/7 with room rentals by the hour to sleep on a desk with a computer if you are broke broke. no bed though.

google maps everything in advance. find menus ahead of time. parks/museums/outdoor free stuff.