Let this be a lesson to all to zip your mattresses into waterproof encasements and then cover them with waterproof mattress pads! Thus you will live a peaceful life in which you never need to google "how to clean bodily waste out of a mattress."

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I found the story on Fanlore! I miss the relentless mockery of Fandom Wank.  https://fanlore.org/wiki/Cousinjean_and_Profit_Wank

I ❤ gay romance

Sure he can, if he decides that pregnancy is always the woman's fault! Figuring out the pregnancy prevention details in the ways most convenient to him is her job, not his. It's a great system! /s

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Even the WAY a vampire gets their soul apparently has different effects on how batshit crazy they are afterward, both during-soul and post-soul! It's cool, consistency is for cowards. 

Let's put Human Harmony Kendall, Vampire Harmony, and Souled Vampire Harmony into a room together and then let them explain how they're  different people 😝  

🦃 As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly 🦃

Oh jeez. Good luck, babe!

🦃 As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly 🦃

My lawyer will block this seller's big lies, before I bid 170K goodbyyyyyyyye

🦃 As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly 🦃

Time to sing the chorus as fast as physically possible!

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BTVS is a fun example because the canon universe is so internally inconsistent in whether it considers "vampire=different person" or not lollll. Now I'm wondering if under OP's rule all the BTVS "canon vampire character gets turned into a human" fanfic would count as Major Character Death too.

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Yesss give us some bittersweet pining, it's delicious. 

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If you felt comfortable giving us a brief description of the plot used by you and your rival, we could probably give you multiple examples of even earlier stories with similar story beats lollll

Doing the cooking: good 

Being cooked: bad 

You want to be the food artist in the kitchen creating an exciting meal with professional skill. You don't want to be the chicken in the pot on the stove being boiled into soup. 

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Also followup, 

 selling fanfiction is point-blank illegal copyright infringement 

This is NOT always true, depending on circumstances, and a big part of AO3's parent org the Organization for Transformative Works' advocacy work: when sufficiently transformative, fanfiction can be and should be protected under fair use exceptions to copyright law, even if it's using someone else's intellectual property. See for example the novel The Wind Done Gone, which prompted an unsuccessful lawsuit from the Margaret Mitchell estate, and pro SFF writer Peter Watts' short story The Things, which is explicitly based on The Thing horror movie and which won a bunch of SFF awards in the 2010s. 

The big risk with selling fanfiction while betting on a fair use exception is that in the U.S., fair use is decided on a case-by-case basis, so if you sell fanfic and get sued by a copyright holder, y'all will have to go before a judge who will decide whether fair use applies here or not. So in the meantime, you will still be required to pay for your legal bills somehow while your lawyer is arguing your case, and you will probably still be out that money if the judge eventually rules in your favor that your fanfic is fair use.

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 If the og work is not already part of public domain 

That is part of why this is an AO3 Terms of Service issue, not a legal/copyright issue. It's perfectly legal to sell fanfiction based on public domain material like the works of Jane Austen or Shakespeare, etc. But it's still against AO3 ToS to sell it on AO3 by (for example) putting a link in the notes to your public-domain-based fanfic showing where people can buy a hardcover bound version of that fanfic, even though it's perfectly legal for you to sell print copies of your public-domain-based work. Because AO3 Terms of Services prohibits ALL promotion of commercial products or activities, not just for fanfic that might be copyright infringement. 

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I'm not an AO3 admin so I don't know what happened, but that sounds plausible. 

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It probably depends on how the Tumblr link was worded on AO3. AFAIK you can link to a general Tumblr page that has a donation link as long as it's not specifically/primarily a fundraising page and you're not trying to winkwink nudgenudge bend the rules to solicit for donations on AO3. The AO3 admins are not dumb.   

E.g. "Here is a link to my Tumblr page," fine. "I'm really short on my rent payment for this month; in unrelated news, here is a link to my Tumblr page," NOT fine. "This fic was commissioned by Bob" with no link, fine. "This fic was commissioned by Bob at my Patreon, username abc123" with no link, NOT fine. "This fic was commissioned by Bob. I use the same username on all platforms" with no link, probably fine. "This fic was commissioned by Bob. I use the same username on all platforms, including Wattpad and Patreon" with no link, probably NOT fine.

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I have a text shortcut set up in my phone to auto-paste "Promotion of commercial products or activities" as the ToS violation so I can report users like this on sight within seconds. Eat shit, AO3 spammers‼

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The writer of a big Spike/Buffy series (Dancing Lessons?) tried to monetize the series in like 2005 and got soundly mocked out of Buffy fandom and the internet. As they should be!!

Fun trivia, the Divine outfit was created by Irish designer Oran Aurelio


It's been fun seeing "I made an outfit for Chappell Roan!" vids from various smaller designers pop up on my TikTok FYP 🥲

I am mildly annoyed that this infographic and this article didn't mention Chappell Roan's Tiny Desk Concert on NPR as another boost to Roan attracting attention outside her normal milieu. The Tiny Desk concert video came out on March 21 and went mini-viral—on the infographic there's even a big spike in the album numbers between the March 21-March 28 dates. 


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AO3 is like the One Good Website left because it contains no advertising. Keep y'all's stupid cringe "pay me for my fanfic teehee" spam out of my sight, assholes!!

I take such vindictive satisfaction in reporting these spammers for ToS violations. I go straight to reporting, I don't even bother courtesy-commenting first to ask them to take down the spam content anymore, because 90% of the time they're like mortally offended "GASP, SHOCK," and then try to argue with me about how posting a Ko-Fi link on every chapter is totally their moral right. 

I ❤ gay romance

If OOP is really walking into walls and such all the time it sounds more like something like dyspraxia than a bruising disorder necessarily. Totally common with dyspraxia to smack into stationary objects even with normal vision in two eyes.