:flag-us: American Expat

You could see how important the competition aspect is to Biden when Trump challenged him to a game of golf in the debate. It‘s really about his ego at this point. That said, I‘d vote for anyone opposing Trump.

You might not expect it, but a good condition antique leather ring box is also worth quite a bit, maybe between $100-$200.

COL - NHL :60904:

I wonder what the populations are in each of these territories.

COL - NHL :60904:

But now they have most of Arizona. Avs are a mountain and desert hockey team.

Do you tell them you have insomnia and say you want to try cannabis, or do they suggest it? How much does the telemedicine appointment cost, and how much does 100g of cannabis cost?

:flag-us: American Expat

To expand further, Trump said he was a "very brave soldier" for having unprotected sex with many women, likening his chance of contracting STDs to his own "personal Vietnam." I wonder if any war veterans would appreciate that comparison.

:flag-us: American Expat

Trump didn't focus on anything. He doesn't even remember the name of his veteran's bill. He keeps calling it the name of Obama's bill.

:flag-us: American Expat

They forgot the parts where Trump denigrated gold star families, POWs (John McCain), and fallen soldiers (WW2 casualties in France), all while being a draft dodger himself.

Are you sure it‘s not ©️DY and 925 750? 925 would be sterling silver and 750 is 18kt gold.

Sometimes interns need to make sacrifices, for science.

:flag-us: American Expat

In the debate, Trump said the only reason he's running is because Biden is running..."because Biden has been the worst president in American History." So if Biden drops out, that means Trump doesn't have to run anymore either. I hope this Trump guy is a man of his word.

:flag-us: American Expat

The way I heard it on BTC‘s youtube channel, when the SC makes a ruling, it‘s treated as if that ruling always existed, but just wasn‘t yet known. That‘s what makes this so bonkers. These “Originalists“ made new evidentiary guidelines out of thin air that not only is not mentioned in the constitution, but completely goes against the constitution and the fundamental reason the colonies fought for their freedom. Happy Fourth of July!

Bookend that with the recent leaked audio footage of Alito saying that with the battle going on in this country, one side has to win. The Federalist Society is waging war against America.

If it‘s true, they wouldn’t give evidence because the information is classified. It could be classified because it would expose an asset or a method of intercepting communications. Do any of you watch spy shows like Homeland?

You're right. The flight would be much more safe and comfortable for everyone if children were strapped in child seats in the luggage hold.

Cohen was repaid once Trump was in office. Those payments to Cohen were hidden as lawyer's fees rather than a campaign cost, which was part of the illegality of the situation.

:flag-us: American Expat

The actual testimony is not searchable by keyword. I'm sure the worst parts with famous names will be distilled soon enough.

The payments to Cohen were made during his presidency, and everyone knows that reimbursing your lawyer and cooking your books for a hush money payment is very official and very presidential. But the actual issue could be that evidence used in the case that regarded those payments to Cohen may be considered invalid. The SC ruled that communications between the president and anyone else is considered privileged and can't be used as evidence. Totally fucked.