Picture taken in Praia de Arrifana, Aljezur, Portugal :)

[Medicinal] How to make extract powder from liquid dual extractionMedicinal

Hello everyone, a couple of weeks ago I made a Lion's Mane Dual Extraction using water extraction and alcohol extraction. Now I want to transform this into a powder so it's more concentrated and easier to ingest. I checked on youtube, but I only saw people using fancy expensive machines. Would putting it in a tray in a low-temperature oven work? Thank you! :)

Units are out of the pool the moment they appear in a player's shop, they don't have to buy them(you can understand why kk). But yeah, it is definitely possible that it is bugged.

Btw, I wouldn't pick it if it deteriorated any more than this.

Yep! I have eaten a CoTW in that stage of development, it was a bit tougher than younger specimens but the flavour was there, just make sure you cut any black spots and clean it well. I recommend you to barbecue it and maybe try to marinate it with some butter sauce? They end up smelling and tasting exactly like chicken, it's amazing :)

Found out after fruiting that the LC seller mislabelled the needle. These are actually oyster mushrooms and you can check my latest post about fruiting them in a raised bed, these are the same fruiting blocks :)

Yeah! Wasn't having much success fruiting in a martha tent so I tried burying 2 fully colonised blocks in some mulch. About 1 1/2 weeks later they started fruiting even though temperatures were low(8°C/ 17°C) and with heavy rain here in Portugal. I'll harvest them tomorrow just to see if they grow a bit more :)

First time growing. These are two sawdust blocks inoculated with what I'm pretty sure was a shiitake LC needle that I bought. Wasn't having much success with fruiting on a martha tent so these two I put outside in my garden covered with a small layer of mulch. I'm pretty sure the seller mislabelled the LC, so I hoping that someone can help me confirm what these are :) they do look like some kind of pleurotus. Thank you!

Thankful for the fireplace for keeping me warm :)

Looks like chicken of the woods ;)

Já procuraste emprego como cientista de dados? Já agora, onde tiraste a licenciatura? Cheers

It does look a lot like Artomyces but I saw tons of them in that zone and they were all around this size. They seemed to be growing from the dirt but I will confirm. I'm going to check on them in a couple of days and will update :)

Is this a fungus?ID request
  • Found in Portugal :)


Portugal :) I'm pretty sure they had annulum. I found around 10 "bouquets" of these mushrooms within some meters of where I took the pics if that helps.