“Back in ‘11 I was in the army with a guy that was found guilty...” oh I totally know that guy who had a TS and killed his underage girlfriend’s mom too!

“...of raping his daughter.” Whoooaaa we are talking about different people.

Huh. Not at our county and we were a bit of a hot spot. Hm wonder why.

I do think it’s messed up that jails and prisons aren’t higher up on the vax priority list. I mean, even if you don’t think inmates have rights and are people (they do and are), the tight quarters put all the staff at risk too.

Yo! Good on you! I have the opposite of anger issues.More like a lot of anxiety/fear. I’m also reading some books about emotional intelligence and how it not only creates happier families but the kids generally come out more successful because they can do things they don’t want to without a huge fuss (even as an adult I cannot get up early without fuss) and communicate better.

Is there a book you really liked?

I’m not an experienced crocheter. I knit way more, but in either craft I never change my tension. Your stitches won’t look even if you do.

I only do magic ring because they close better.

Edit: because magic loop and magic ring are different

I really want the specifics of your photos. So bright. The stitches look so nice.

Is it the same photog from IG? Or do you do it yourself?

I think I would call it a unitato, and I will not be showing this to my kids. Otherwise we would need an army of them. So cute!

Since you have plenty of practice with sc and incr, maybe try a different pattern. Occasionally different yarn, different hook, different tension, and different crocheter come together to make stuff weird.

This is my go to, though my decr are still weird, it makes a ball.

No, no. I got you. That makes sense. A lot of what I read talked about using different balls and bobbins for every color change and I definitely thought “Surely not for every row.”


Look up pivot knitting, lever knitting, and I think there’s one video under Irish knitting.

I’ve been down this rabbit hole before.

Oh cool! I try to be real sensitive when recommending it because kid stuff is always super touchy, but for us the pros of cloth vastly out weigh the cons and then the wool covers were just fun to make.

I gave them little legs so they were like shorts, and I wouldn’t have to put pants on her.

I hope you like it as much as we did (as much as one can like a diaper).

Been researching a lot of colorwork lately (working on using a huge cake my kid requested first), and haven’t read that. Why is that?

Maybe your thing, maybe not, but if you’re already into wool, check out wool diapers covers for cloth diapers. I made two.

They’re all I’ve ever wanted.

I’m starting to understand when people say their knitting to do lists aren’t realistic.

I JUST made an IG account. I plan to post all my stuff, but as you will see if you follow me, I have yet to figure out what I’m doing there. @ boisvert_eclectics

I don’t get a lot of ladders because I knit too tightly, but I’ll be damned if the lpt isn’t in the comments.

Dang, another member of Colorado crew appreciating these hats right now.

Though I haven’t actually seen one of these in use, I’m being close to knitting one to cover my growing in frizzy baby hairs when my hair is up.

Or hot. My husband used to make me tea the night before (at like midnight) and it would still be hot when I got to work at 6a.

Will the yarn itself be the weight or do you have to do something extra to it?

I have a similar yarn in blue I’m making a scrunchie out of, but I found the other direction to be better, though the dpns are annoying.