They used weight to classify which species they covered, but it's in reference to megafauna species in the ice age that we no longer see today. Buffalo and Bison are still around. What you say may be true, but it's not relevant to the article as it's not a race battle as it describes humans as a whole across the planet hunted these animals to extinction.

How do you know if a guy works construction? Don't worry, they'll tell you.

Every species clambers for its own survival. The problem is that humans are very efficient with it. With the advancement in medical technologies and easy access to food, we've made it extremely easy to expand the species. It's ironic, that every advancement we make to rid things that plague us like poverty and disease, we increase the damage we do to ourselves globally.

It talks about megafauna species. The comment you're replying to nor your comment are relevant to what it's talking about. Humans everywhere during the ice age hunted megafauna to extinction. Huge animals that could feed a whole group of people were definitely a hot commodity as it was very efficient.

Being that they were all megafauna it's probably safe to assume their reproductive cycle took a long time, and humans hunted them unsustainably.

I remember on launch when you got 3 energized hits without the need for a perk...

If the worst you can do is complain then it can't be that bad

:UK: Britain Suffers

Points are 2kms apart, take forever to get to, maps are so open that gameplay involves "Whoever gets to the camping spot the quickest wins", then "whoever gets their CAS that can drop Laser Guided Bombs outside of SPAA range wins".

Give me more Advance to the Rhine and Maginot Line. Big maps aren't an issue if it means I can maneuver and be able to make it out of spawn to get back into the fight again. But maps like Red Desert, Fire Arc, Fulda, European Province, and Fields of Poland can all go screw themselves because they can all be ruined by 1 dude sitting in a camping spot that oversees the spawns from over halfway point of the map.

Honorable mention to Polar Arctic Base for having way too many camping spots that prevent people from leaving spawn.

In Canada, Lottery Winnings aren't taxable. You get whatever is advertised. The tax is already included in the ticket as the lottery is already run by government agencies it's just an interesting way to pull in more money.

Or, they do both, being unnecessarily verbose so neither the characters or audience understood, only to break it down in a better more simplified way so that the characters and the audience now understand, just so they could try and make them appear smarter.

Talked about this with my coworkers. With the kinds of scandals that come out now, and what we know about the NSA and their practices. Watergate would be an inconsequential scandal in comparison. People would be upset for a bit, it would be talked about in the news for a little bit, then nothing would come of it.

I mean, they could as long as they were listed as the primary regiment responsible for its success. They just dealt with Aristocratic Lord Generals who would rather see them dead or disappeared.

Vermintide 2 pigeonholed you into specific roles (at launch) a lot more than Darktide has. Darktide seems like it's improving with each major update so I'm not worried for its future.

Not much. There would be a select few that may have heard tidbits in passing from Eldar they may have been willing to listen to, or from specific xeno archeologists. But for the most part nobody in the Imperium would even indulge an Eldar long enough, or survive contact with a Necron long enough to find out the history.

You see this in the books quite a bit. The Emperor's Children devolving into super violence at times can be jarring if your thoughts are only focused on the memefied version of just seeking pleasure through "traditional" means of seeking pleasure.

He's definitely one of the best Loretubers out there for 40k, and by listening to his videos you'd get yourself up to date not only on the lore around certain things, but also the conversation topics surrounding them. If you don't mind the extra stuff then he's definitely a good one to go to.


I don't like the Imperium because I think they're the "good guys." I like the Imperium because it's just a big fantasy on how humans would tackle galactic issues in the most ridiculous ways


They're just trying to keep their souls from getting taken by Slaanesh, what could be so bad about that?

He's well researched and his information is pretty accurate. My only issue with him is that he goes off on speculative tangents quite a bit, which are fine if you want to have discussions about theoreticals, but not so much if you just want to know the information you were searching for.

My wife showed me a picture she took of her thumb when she had a planter's wart on it and I shivered and felt very uncomfortable. She didn't understand why, and even after explaining it she was still confused. But I feel the same way you do, I just get super uncomfortable and get the "heeby jeebies" so to speak.

Why would they group similar weapons together, that just makes sense

Excuse me for not wanting to get shot by gunners in a 360 degree spread, guess I'll just die now

The Drukhari are the easy example, the Loxatl in Gaunt's Ghosts, Saruthi in Eisenhorn, the Laer who were responsible for the fall of the Emperor's Children. We also have anecdotes from the Interex in regards to them being hyper vigilant over any new species coming into their system for worry they're corrupted. We also see the same for the Eldar who meet with Fulgrim, as they're wary of species corruption as well.

It's easy to think of Chaos as just being tied to Humans as that's where the main focus is, but we see lots of examples of Chaos Xenos and anecdotes from other Xeno species for others corrupted by Chaos.

Play Auric Damnation and beat a mission you haven't done before and you slide up like crazy. Do class specific penances, easiest way I think

Psykers fall under the domain of the Black Ships of the Inquisition. They decide what to do with Psykers and anyone is encouraged to report if they believe one of their fellow soldiers is a Psyker. A commissar may choose to execute them or turn them over. It is very rare that regiments get access to a Psyker within their regiment, usually they come caged by the Inquisition and used like battle slaves, kept in terrible contraptions and augmented and modified to increase their psychic potential.

You have some examples like in Cadia Stands where a regiment has a Battle Psyker who had a minder ready to execute them if anything goes wrong. Psykers are treated terribly, they'd be lucky to end up as an Astropath.

Xeno hate was existentially a way for the Emperor to attempt to secure humanity's future by getting rid of all "threats" that were unknown variables. For every good Alien faction you'd be surprised at the amount of Chaos tainted Xeno factions that almost make you second guess whether the Emperor was right or not.

The Emperor's grand design was to get rid of Chaos and the spreading of the Imperial Truth. Killing Xeno races because you know they wouldn't concede to it was part of it. There are a few Primarchs that abhor Xeno species and would kill them without question, but there are many pragmatic Primarchs who won't kill Xenos for the sake of them being so.

The most prominent example probably being Horus as the catalyst to his fall was when he tried to secure a diplomatic alliance with a human faction that co-existed with Xenos, only for it to be sabotaged by Erebus.