Uhhhh what was his name guys? You know which one

I wish someone told me before playing: read the books first

On the charger, but did you try plugging it straight into the console?


It's hilarious how the only one I had no clue on before looking at the legend is the one I've been playing through for more than a year now

Strawberry sandwiches are actually really good, especially if you put a little bit of sugar on it

question about salesQuestion

In the legal notice for the legendary sale it is stated that the discount code can't be combined with 'Win in Shop'. What does this refer to? Is it the discount from Units or something else entirely?

0.015m x 0.015m = 0.000225m² ≠ 0.015m² = 0.015m x 1m (that would be a really long fly) (yes i know it's correct in the calculations but at the beginning you said 0.015 square metre) Also 2 square metres is not the same as 2m X 2m According to a quick Google search, average skin area of an adult man is 18000cm², or 1.8m² So we have: 1.8m² / 0.000225m² which turns out to be exactly 8000 So an average man can fit exactly 8000 15mm X 15mm squares on his stretched out skin (which it isn't)

But there aren't cougars in missions

Have you read the books first? I really recommend that since this game kind of spoils one of the biggest plot twists in the first few hours of gameplay

Since you were never a patient you should check if it's not a scam before replying STOP Also bappy herthday

Why? I love both subnautica and sailing and I don't see the issue between them

Okay but how does the image imply it's the music teacher? Math guys can play guitars too

SeagateGaming - I just want to fit more games cause I keep not finishing the ones I already own and buying new ones 💀