if it had wings, there'd be a place to put a book, a soda, and snacks.

first you get an onlyfans subscription. then...

Left over brillo pad material to make these... super comfortable.

... until a light pole snaps and then you have to bounce well.

This fuckin unicorn makin the rest of us look bad.

Like drowning a witch... if she drowns, she wasn't a witch...


Microplastics level = 40 PPB

* note: sterility common at 51 PPB

I prefer the Doritos finger sucker, I'd prefer that meme without urine.

Note to self: bedbugs only attack you when you are in a bed. So if you are bed-less, you have no worry about bed-bugs.


... living longer, or enjoying sex. 100% of men would prefer the shorter life, please.

it will probably be a grandchild, and will bring back a fond memory.

Didn't there used to be a sub about bad font choices? something like r/BadFonts yup, that's it.

1 item on the menu:
  • Cream-of-sum-young-guy

all served, all came home: a truly blessed family.

I wonder if [more sausage front] [more ham back] is a misalignment, or on purpose so you get a little variety on the toppings on each slice.

Agreed. This repair is sufficient, cheap, and easy. Don't overthink it.


I love this idea. I think I will copy this in front of my home in Northern Michigan.

Per some of the other comments though, I think I might have a [Donation bin] that is in a different place from the hanging coats.

I could post a sign about a parasite treatment:

Take a Coat - Leave a Coat
    • Please put donation clothing in the box to the right marked "Donations"
    • thank you for donating your 'lightly used coat', we appreciate your help to others in the community
  • For those in need of a coat:
    • cleaned coats are marked with a green tag on the sleeve, please do not take a coat if this green tag is missing as it may not have been heat treated
    • Please help yourself to a coat
    • Please pass on to others in need, that free coats are available to them.

** This would be fairly easy to do. I've seen 'luggage ovens' for sale on amazon (specifically to kill bedbugs and other pests in your luggage and clothing when you return from a trip) between $50 and $400 depending on quality and size. You could get even a small one that should do 3 coats at a time. You put them in the oven, and it cooks at something like 150F overnight. The heat is the minimum needed to kill all parasites and eggs, this minimum heat is unlikely to damage any fabrics.

Might even be great to build this into the design:

  • Donation bin chute into a holding bin.
  • Simple dump switch based on weight (to gather multiple coats before oven cleaning).
  • goes into a 'luggage oven' as described above
  • lighting on back side with color indicators so I can see status from my house [donation in holding][oven on][cleaning cycle complete]


  • I don't have to touch the clothes until after they have been heat treated. So less chance I will track parasites into my home.


  • If someone leaves candy or something else in pockets, it may ruin the clothing item
  • what if some neighborhood kid decides to put a cat in the donation bin? (I have to figure out how to stop this).

... length of deployment:

Vietnam was one year and done

got it. I was thinking you were saying Vietnam was a short war... now I understand your meaning.

You probably shouldn't inhale that. This might be how a vampire is made...

... or at least a mosquito-man who has a taste for sweet human blood.

made in 10/19 ...

this label has changed in 2024.

electronic display dimming film is an easy fix for this. It is sold in different shapes and tint levels. Cut to size. Static cling, so easily removed in the future if you prefer.