You have a fear response to guns and project that fear onto the people who own them.

Nice straw men. Do you have a fire extinguisher? Car insurance? Wear your seatbelt? Omg bro you're so scared. Literally shaking.

So the robber must respond to a man with a gun as dangerous? But the people getting robbed should be just fine with it? Fuck off idiot.

A bat is easily one of the worst weapons you could choose for home defense.

God forbid a character believes in magic rocks in a game that... checks notes. Has a wizard, magic forest beings, fairies, various monsters, magic rocks...

I simply don't! I put everything out then cover with a 40% sun shade for the first week. Then only cover during the afternoon for another week.

Or contractors who get paid checks for each job lol?

Unfortunately until they come out with a battery powered coil siding nailer I've still gotta drag the compressor out.

Hell yeah! Same. It's a little heavy but not having to drag a hose around is a god send. I got one of the tethers too for it I leave on all the time and clip it on my suspenders when I do rafters or ladder work.

TTI uses a similar marketing strategy with all of their brands. Ryobi, Ridgid, and Milwaukee. Each marked towards a different price point of consumer. Ryobi is DIY, milwaukee is pro, and Ridgid is their mid tier brand.

Yep. And the big packout nerds have them in their van... what's the point of all the packout just in a garage?

Personally I run about 1300 miles per year and get about 300 miles on a pair of shoes. In the 90s I was lucky to get 100. In the 2000's, 200 mile shoes were becoming more common. These days some people claim 500 miles is common to attain but I never have.

Most textile mills were river driven in the early industrial revolution. We'd have no internet but sill could wear Gucci belts.

So they wouldn't be worth building then. Modern wind turbines barely turn a profit.

No, good running shoes never lasted as long as they do now. I get way more miles out of my shoes these days than I did in the 90's. 6 months is good for shoes if you actually put some miles on them.

They get paid by the hour no matter what they're doing. Might as well be doing something useful and stick it to the hotel.

Take that shit down to the front desk and say someone left all this shit in the minifridge.

Ok, that's funny then. Referring to anybody with more life experiences than you as a boomer!

I get the joke now you zoomers are both funny and intelligent. AND you're totally not fat

Brother... First of all, as the meme suggests, I'm a millennial. I'm 40 years old lol. There's a reason short form content(vine) died in my generation. It's shit, reduces your attention span. When the intro to my youtube channel of choice has an intro longer than your your shorts that's a sign of a generation. It's not a sign that millennial and indeed boomers and Gen x have a pause at the beginning of the content. Rather that Gen z and alpha don't understand how to edit content that isn't intended for maximum attention grabbing consumer culture.

More likely younger people just have zero attention span so need their 15 second video to have audio blasting the second it starts.